A useful template to appropriately format the report for the final year capstone project completed by students studying NPCAM in Trinity College Dublin.
This is the official LaTeX template prepared in 2021 by the Vanderbilt University Graduate School for submission of dissertations. It is based on a template originally prepared by Eli Hooten and updated by Haley Adams.
Using the template is no guarantee that you pass format review with your first submission, but it should save you significant amount of time.
Template básico para escritura de documento de trabajo de título. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Chile.
Departamento de ingeniería Química y Ambiental
Platilla para realizar en LaTeX la memoria/documentación de Trabajo Fin de Grado o Master en la Escuela Politecnica de Ingeniero (EPI) de Gijón para la Universidad de Oviedo (UNIOVI)
This is the template for a thesis at the Data Engineering Systems Group (Hasso Plattner Institute). It is a very basic template that tries not to restrict you but lets you focus on writing.