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Part 3: Not Just Papers: Presentations & More

Welcome to the third part of our free online course to help you learn LaTeX. This part includes a quick recap of the LaTeX fundamentals presented in part one and part two of the course, but if you are new to LaTeX, you may want to work through those parts in full.

In this part of the course, we introduce some more advanced LaTeX packages, namely:

  • LaTeX Presentations with Beamer
  • Drawing in LaTeX with TikZ
  • Tracked changes and comments with todonotes

Let's get started!

These slides have also been translated into French (thanks to Yannis Haralambous) and several other languages.

You can download a PDF or browse the slides below:

We hope you have enjoyed learning LaTeX with our course. Ready to start writing? Sign up for Overleaf—it's the easiest way to write and collaborate on your new LaTeX projects! Looking for inspiration? Check out the many examples available on Overleaf to get some ideas for what is possible with LATEX!

Looking for slides for your LaTeX course? These slides are open source and permissively licensed (MIT), so you're free to remix them for use in your own courses. Enjoy! :)

Overleaf guides

LaTeX Basics


Figures and tables

References and Citations


Document structure





Field specific

Class files

Advanced TeX/LaTeX