\(LaTeX\) template for Novel Computation and Control journal of the Politehnica University Press.
Contains the starting main.tex file filled with instructions and dummy text.
Collection of statistics formulae taken from the perennial text book Lind, Douglas A. et. al. (2015): Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, 16 ed. (2015).
Computer vision systems can be applied to a wide variety of tasks, but some of the most interesting are those related with security and surveillance. Within this group, our application for Video Surveillance for Road Traffic Monitoring can be placed. We propose a solution based on machine learning and video analysis techniques that involves the whole process: database evaluation, background estimation, foreground segmentation, video stabilization and object tracking. As a result of this, our system will be able to monitorize some basic parameters of traffic flow as vehicles counting or speed estimation.
C. Carmona, A. Flores, A. Hernández, A. Imbernon, A. Mosella