Template de TCC/Dissertação/Tese, baseado no template produzido pelos professores "Ricardo Luis dos Santos" e "Cristiano Santos Pereira de Abreu" e baseado no abntex2
Intended to help me creating tons os articles out of Markdown files, including the article meta-information (such as Title and Author) in a semi-transparent white box in a small cover background.
This version (1.2) has the "mobile" option (just uncomment it in main.tex to see it) to have an output more suitable for smartphones.
In "mobile" way the image will cover the entire page, toc will also get a full page and sections (and subsections and subsubsections), except if it's the first children, will also clear the page. I did this based on a stackexchange answer but I forgot to copy the URL to reference it. And URLs will be inline.
(I'd like to thank Lian Tze Lim! I'm glad I found her blog post about markdown usage on overleaft)
Sorry for the Portuguese instructions and the poor tex structure.
Powerpoint-like Bearmer presentation template for ESTIG (IPBeja) students. Since there's no official template, grab this one.
License included (The Unlicense).
Therefore not suited for big and/or very important reports or any other written work. For those use the "official" template authored by JPB.
License included (The Unlicense).
Este conjunto de ficheiros pretende facilitar a escrita de dissertações e relatórios de estágio ou de projecto final de curso no Instituto Politécnico de Beja.
Modelo de Dissertação/Projeto/Relatório de Estágio de Mestrado da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão (ESTG) do Politécnico de Leiria.
Fonte: https://www.ipleiria.pt/estg/estudantes/ppm/#REGRAS