LaTeX templates — Universidade de Lisboa

A Memorandum Template used in assignments of some IST/UL courses. Version 1.1

This template can be used for a Team Evaluation Report, including Self evaluation, in Courses of IST, ULisboa.

The extended abstract template to be used by MEMEC students at IST (Technical University Lisbon) Original Author: Andre C. Marta Overleaf Port: Pedro Sá da Costa Template based of the Extended Abstract of Nuno Enes Area Cientifica de Mecanica Aplicada Aeroespacial Departamento de Engenharia Mecanica Instituto Superior Tecnico Created: Dec 2, 2011 Modified: Sept 20,2016

The IST-PROJECT-REPORT-ABSTRACT TEMPLATE is used to produce the Project Reports of INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO, UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA, AGIIT and ESer Courses. The Template is "smart", allowing to select the language of writing (English or Portuguese). Please view instructions in the README.TXT file.

Latex template for dissertations in Técnico Lisboa (engineering school in Portugal)

The IST-PORTFOLIO Report TEMPLATE, version v2.1-2017, is used in to produce the Activities Report and the Learnings Report of INSTITUTO SUPERIOR TECNICO, UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA, Independent Studies Courses. The Template is "smart", allowing to select the language of writing (English or Portuguese), as well as the "type" of Report to be written. Please view instructions in the README.TXT file.

A template for a master thesis at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, particularly suitable for MAEG students.

Template para o modelo não oficial do Instituto Superior Técnico

Version 4.1. 2023. MSc Thesis TEMPLATE for IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) of Universidade de Lisboa. The template is automated, allowing to chose the language (english/portuguese) and the type of document (draft or final). The template also includes several timesaving features, such as, Track Changes, Acronyms, Clever Referencing, Algorithmic constructs, Code snippets with syntax highlighting, Glossary and List of Symbols. The template respects the Master’s Dissertation Regulation of IST of Universidade de Lisboa, as well as well as the Dissertation Guidelines for its Format and Organisation..
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