Khalifa University Final Exam template
Andrei Sleptchenko
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
The template for creating exam questions, following Khalifa University style.
The template for creating exam questions, following Khalifa University style.
% Exam Template Probability and Statistics courses
% Using Philip Hirschhorn's exam.cls:
% run pdflatex on a finished exam at least three times to do the grading table on front page.
% These lines can probably stay unchanged, although you can remove the last
% two packages if you're not making pictures with tikz.
% \printanswers % <========= Comment this to print exam without answers
%\newcommand{\gradingnote}[1]{\hfill {\color{red} \textit{Grading note: } #1}}
\RequirePackage{amssymb, amsfonts, amsmath, latexsym, verbatim, xspace, setspace}
\RequirePackage{tikz, graphicx}
\usepackage{multirow, hhline, array, arydshln, blkarray}
\usepackage{hhline, bigstrut}
%\usepackage{calculator, calculus}
\usetikzlibrary{patterns, plotmarks}
\usepackage{pgfplots, pgfplotstable}
% By default LaTeX uses large margins. This doesn't work well on exams; problems
% end up in the "middle" of the page, reducing the amount of space for students
% to work on them.
%patch the exam package and change the format of the grade table.
% ======================================
% Here's where you edit the Class, Exam, Date, etc.
\newcommand{\term}{Fall Semester (AY 201?-201?)}
\newcommand{\classcode}{ENGR ???}
\newcommand{\classtitle}{Writing in Overleaf}
\newcommand{\examiner}{Dr. A. Sleptchenko}
\newcommand{\examnum}{Final Exam (weight 35\%)}
\newcommand{\timelimit}{120 Minutes}
\newcommand{\class}{\classcode -- \classtitle}
%% == comment the following lines if needed
% \openbooktrue
% \opennotestrue
%% == define instructions
\begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemindent}{-1em}
\item Use the provided \textbf{exam bucklets} and indicate your name and \textbf{ID on each page}.
\item Use a \textbf{black or blue pen} (no other colors). If you think you answer is wrong just mark it that it is wrong, and write the new one.
\item Provide \textbf{as many details as possible}, unclear answer might lead to a lower mark.
\item \textbf{Organize your work}, in a reasonably neat and coherent way, in the space provided.
Work scattered all over the page without a clear ordering might receive very little credit.
% ======================================
% For an exam, single spacing is most appropriate
% \onehalfspacing
% \doublespacing
% For an exam, we generally want to turn off paragraph indentation
\parindent 0ex
% questions
%\qformat{Question \thequestion: \thequestiontitle\dotfill\thepoints}
\qformat{{\bf Problem \thequestion}: (\thequestiontitle) \ \ [\totalpoints \ points] \hfill}
%\qformat{{\bf Problem \thequestion}: \ \ [\thepoints] \hfill}
\titledquestion{Question One}
\part[5] Sub-question 1
\choice Choice 1
\choice Choice 2
\CorrectChoice Choice 3
\CorrectChoice Choice 4
\part[10] Sub-question 2
Open end question
\ifprintanswers \else \ifaddsolutionspace \fillwithdottedlines{\stretch{1}} \fi \fi
\titledquestion{Question Two}
\part[5] Sub-question 1
\choice Choice 1
\CorrectChoice Choice 2
\part[12] Sub-question 2
Open end question
\ifprintanswers \else \ifaddsolutionspace \fillwithgrid{2in} \fi \fi
% \ifprintanswers
% % do nothing
% \else %add empty page
% %add formula sheets
% \newpage
% \input{formulaSheet.tex}
% \addemptypage
% \fi