Centralized decision fusion CSS of OFDMA subchannels
Lucas dos Santos Costa
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Centralized decision fusion CSS of OFDMA subchannels
Centralized decision fusion CSS of OFDMA subchannels
% Author: Lucas dos Santos Costa
%antenna (Tx)
\node[black,scale=3,rotate=0] at (rel axis cs:0.12,0.35){\textlinb{Y}};
\filldraw[thick,black] (rel axis cs:0.12,0.5) circle [x radius=0.8mm,
y radius=0.8mm];
\node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.6] at (rel axis cs:0.12,0.2){\tiny PU (Tx)};
%sensing channel
\fill[thick,inner color=green!20,outer color=green,
fill opacity=0.5] (rel axis cs:0.22,0.45) ellipse
[x radius=1.1cm,y radius=4mm,rotate=90];
\node[black,scale=0.35,text width=1.5cm,
text centered,rotate=20] at
(rel axis cs:0.22,0.44){Sensing channels};
\node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.6] at
(rel axis cs:0.22,0.17){\tiny $\overbrace{\text{Rayleigh + AWGN}}$};
%cognitive radios
rounded corners] (rel axis cs: 0.305,0.6) rectangle
(rel axis cs: 0.35,0.7);
rounded corners] (rel axis cs: 0.305,0.6) rectangle
(rel axis cs: 0.6,0.7);
rounded corners] (rel axis cs: 0.305,0.45) rectangle
(rel axis cs: 0.35,0.55);
rounded corners] (rel axis cs: 0.305,0.45) rectangle
(rel axis cs: 0.6,0.55);
\node[black,scale=1,rotate=0] at
(rel axis cs:0.4505,0.375){$\vdots$};
rounded corners] (rel axis cs: 0.305,0.2) rectangle
(rel axis cs: 0.35,0.3);
rounded corners] (rel axis cs: 0.305,0.2) rectangle
(rel axis cs: 0.6,0.3);
%block information
scale=0.4] at
(rel axis cs: 0.328,0.65){$\text{CR}_{1}$};
scale=0.4] at
(rel axis cs: 0.328,0.5){$\text{CR}_{2}$};
scale=0.4] at
(rel axis cs: 0.328,0.25){$\text{CR}_{M}$};
%test statistics
scale=0.4] at (rel axis cs: 0.4525,0.65)
{$T_{\text{MED},s}\underset{0}{\overset{1}{\gtrless}}\gamma,\quad s=1,2,\dots,S$};
scale=0.4] at (rel axis cs: 0.4525,0.5)
{$T_{\text{MED},s}\underset{0}{\overset{1}{\gtrless}}\gamma,\quad s=1,2,\dots,S$};
scale=0.4] at (rel axis cs: 0.4525,0.25)
{$T_{\text{MED},s}\underset{0}{\overset{1}{\gtrless}}\gamma,\quad s=1,2,\dots,S$};
%PfaSU,s and PdSUs
rounded corners] (rel axis cs: 0.555,0.6) rectangle
(rel axis cs: 0.6,0.7);
rounded corners] (rel axis cs: 0.555,0.45) rectangle
(rel axis cs: 0.6,0.55);
rounded corners] (rel axis cs: 0.555,0.2) rectangle
(rel axis cs: 0.6,0.3);
scale=0.4] at (rel axis cs: 0.577,0.63)
{$P_{\text{dSU,s}}$}; \node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.4] at
(rel axis cs: 0.577,0.67){$P_{\text{faSU,s}}$};
scale=0.4] at (rel axis cs: 0.577,0.48)
{$P_{\text{dSU,s}}$}; \node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.4] at
(rel axis cs: 0.577,0.52){$P_{\text{faSU,s}}$};
scale=0.4] at (rel axis cs: 0.577,0.23)
{$P_{\text{dSU,s}}$}; \node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.4] at
(rel axis cs: 0.577,0.27){$P_{\text{faSU,s}}$};
scale=0.4] at (rel axis cs:0.4425,0.73)
{SUs (Rx), $m=1,2,\dots,M$};
%reporting channel
\fill[thick,inner color=green!20,
outer color=green,fill opacity=0.5] (rel axis cs:0.68,0.45) ellipse
[x radius=1.1cm,y radius=4mm,rotate=90];
\node[black,scale=0.35,text width=1.5cm,
text centered,rotate=20] at (rel axis cs:0.68,0.44){Reporting channels};
scale=0.6] at (rel axis cs:0.68,0.17)
{\tiny $\overbrace{\text{Rayleigh + Shadowing + AWGN}}$};
scale=0.6] at (rel axis cs:0.66,0.595){\tiny $P_\text{e}$};
scale=0.6] at (rel axis cs:0.653,0.475){\tiny $P_\text{e}$};
scale=0.6] at (rel axis cs:0.663,0.285){\tiny $P_\text{e}$};
scale=0.4] at (rel axis cs:0.757,0.598)
{\tiny $P'_\text{faSU,s},P'_\text{dSU,s}$};
scale=0.4] at (rel axis cs:0.7495,0.53)
{\tiny $P'_\text{faSU,s},P'_\text{dSU,s}$};
scale=0.4] at (rel axis cs:0.7515,0.451)
{\tiny $P'_\text{faSU,s},P'_\text{dSU,s}$};
%propagation waves
decoration={expanding waves,angle=2,segment length=2,
amplitude=.9,post=lineto,post length=0pt},
line width=0.5pt,opacity=0.7]
(rel axis cs:0.6,0.65) -- (rel axis cs: 0.785,0.55);
decoration={expanding waves,angle=2,segment length=2,
amplitude=.9,post=lineto,post length=0pt},
line width=0.5pt,opacity=0.7]
(rel axis cs: 0.6,0.5) -- (rel axis cs: 0.785,0.5);
decoration={expanding waves,angle=2,segment length=2,
amplitude=.9,post=lineto,post length=0pt},
line width=0.5pt,opacity=0.7]
(rel axis cs: 0.6,0.27) -- (rel axis cs: 0.785,0.45);
\node [scale=0.35,rotate=-12,
opacity=0.7] at (rel axis cs:0.67,0.64)
{$\{\text{Encoded decisions}\}$};
%fusion center
\filldraw[thick,line width=0.5pt,inner color=green!20,
outer color=green,fill opacity=0.5]
(rel axis cs:0.818,0.505) circle
[x radius=3.5mm,y radius=3.5mm,rotate=90];
\node[black,scale=1] at (rel axis cs:0.818,0.505){\tiny FC};
\draw[-latex,line width=0.5pt]
(rel axis cs:0.85,0.505)--(rel axis cs:0.96,0.505);
\node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.5] at
(rel axis cs:0.896,0.53){\tiny $P_\text{faFC,s},P_\text{dFC,s}$};
%propagation waves
\node at (rel axis cs:0.06,0.5) (a) {};
\node at (rel axis cs: 0.31,0.65) (b) {};
\node at (rel axis cs: 0.31,0.5) (c) {};
\node at (rel axis cs: 0.31,0.23) (d) {};
decoration={expanding waves,angle=2,segment length=2,
amplitude=.9,post=lineto,post length=0pt},
line width=0.5pt,opacity=0.7]
(rel axis cs:0.12,0.5) -- (rel axis cs: 0.3,0.65);
decoration={expanding waves,angle=2,segment length=2,
amplitude=.9,post=lineto,post length=0pt},
line width=0.5pt,opacity=0.7]
(rel axis cs:0.12,0.5) -- (rel axis cs: 0.3,0.5);
decoration={expanding waves,angle=2,segment length=2,
amplitude=.9,post=lineto,post length=0pt},
line width=0.5pt,opacity=0.7]
(rel axis cs:0.12,0.5) -- (rel axis cs: 0.3,0.25);
\node[scale=0.35,rotate=20,opacity=0.7] at
(rel axis cs:0.21,0.61) {$\{\text{OFDMA subchannels}\}$};
%OFDMA sub channels
\node[scale=0.6] at (rel axis cs:0.215,0.95)
{\tiny OFDMA subchannels, $s=1,2,\dots,S$};
\node[black,rounded corners=1pt,trapezium,
trapezium angle=60, minimum width=5mm,
draw,thick,scale=1,line width=0.5pt] at
(rel axis cs:0.145,0.89) {};
\node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.35] at (rel axis cs:0.145,0.89){$1$};
\node[black,rounded corners=1pt,trapezium,
trapezium angle=60, minimum width=5mm,
draw,thick,scale=1,line width=0.5pt] at
(rel axis cs:0.18,0.89){};
\node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.35] at
(rel axis cs:0.18,0.89){$2$};
\node at (rel axis cs:0.214,0.89) {\scriptsize $...$};
\node [black,rounded corners=1pt,trapezium,
trapezium angle=60, minimum width=5mm,
draw,thick,scale=1,line width=0.5pt] at
(rel axis cs:0.25,0.89){};
\node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.35] at
(rel axis cs:0.25,0.89){$S$};
\draw[-,line width=1.1pt,white]
(rel axis cs:0.12,0.863)--(rel axis cs: 0.278,0.863);
\node at (rel axis cs:0.10908,0.865) (s1) {};
\node at (rel axis cs: 0.32,0.865) (s2) {};
\draw[-latex,line width=0.59pt](s1)--(s2);
\node[scale=0.5] at (rel axis cs:0.3,0.83) {$f$};
\node[scale=0.55] at (rel axis cs:0.2524,0.79)
{\tiny Subcarriers per subchannel};
\draw[-{Stealth[length=0.7mm]},line width=0pt]
(rel axis cs:0.234,0.865)--(rel axis cs:0.234,0.89);
\draw[-{Stealth[length=0.7mm]},line width=0pt]
(rel axis cs:0.2406,0.865)--(rel axis cs:0.2406,0.89);
\node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.5] at
(rel axis cs:0.252,0.872){$...$};
\draw[-{Stealth[length=0.7mm]},line width=0pt]
(rel axis cs:0.266,0.865)--(rel axis cs:0.266,0.89);
\node[black,rotate=0,scale=0.55] at
(rel axis cs:0.2421,0.83){\tiny $k'=\underbrace{1,2,\dots,K'}$};
%(top) reporting channels
\node [scale=0.4,rotate=0,opacity=1] at
(rel axis cs:0.65,0.865)
{$\text{Encoded decisions,}_{m}\in\{0,1\}=
line vector with order $1\times nS$ for the
($n_\text{R},1,\lfloor(n_\text{R}-1)/2\rfloor$) repetition code
line vector with order $1\times n$ for the
($n_\text{B},\kappa_\text{B},d_\text{B}$) BCH code