Here we provide a selection of homework assignments templates and examples for school, college and university use. These often include a question and answer section already set out, along with space for the student name, course title, date and any other required information. Teachers and lecturers may also find these templates useful for preparing material for their classes.
Write a short summary of the third assignment here. In the summary include the question you answered, a few sentences to describe the nature of the problem. The problem statement or introduction should introduce the health issue that you are answering and what is known about the health problem. Also indicate why answering the question is important. Then write a few sentences about what databases you searched, and what were you search criteria (you should describe that in words, do not include any tables or figure here). Then write the results you obtained. Here, write briefly how many articles you originally retrieved and how many articles (five, but if not five then how many) articles you finally considered to be good enough to answer the question and which article you found best out of these five and why. Then briefly describe the nature of the article and write a few sentences as to why and how this article answered the main question you set out to answer in this assignment. Typically the summary will be one paragraph, but you can include more than one paragraph to break up the thoughts and ideas presented in your assignment. Try to be brief and capture the essential point in the assignment you write. Do not include any references or citations in this section.
Solving the physics problems you are presented with in an introductory course
become easier if each time you sit down to solve a problem, you follow a
generalized problem-solving strategy that includes sketching pictures.
Diese Vorlage eignet sich für naturwissenschaftliche W-Seminararbeiten an Gymnasien.
Diese Vorlage ist so übersichtlich gestaltet, dass der Schüler in der Datei Arbeit.tex nur seinen Inhalt einfügen muss.
Die Präambel und das Titelblatt sind ausgelagert.
Für den XeLaTeX-Compilker optimiert!
In der Datei bausteine.tex finden sich Bausteine, die durch Copy/Paste in das Dokument übernommen werden können. Dies ersetzt aber nicht immer ein Nachschlagen in der Literatur oder im Internet...
Viel Spaß!
Una template preparada para tareas de Matemática, Física, Programación y Astronomía preparada con varios paquetes y configuraciones :)
La versión 0.4.2 es de DOS COLUMNAS, para la versión de 1 columna buscar por la 0.4.1
Log cambios:
v0.1 - Primera versión básica
v0.2 - Se añaden comandos personalizados, TikZ, lstlistings y Minted.
v0.3 - Se añaden nuevos paquetes, resumen, footnotes, comandos personalizados y se editan parámetros.
v0.4.2 - Se añade bibliográfica MNRAS editada para el formato de informes además arreglar typos. Se crea esta versión de 2 columnas, donde se ajustan parámetros para que todo funciones debidamente.