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ブログPosts tagged “press”

  • John · December 21, 2021

    Nine years...nine million users!

    In just 10 days time Overleaf will be nine years old! Nine! It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost a decade since John and I had our first conversations about WriteLaTeX that set us on the path that has led us to this point.

    And in the run up to that particular milestone, another one has crept up on us…

  • John · July 1, 2021

    Eight million users! Plus some cool new stuff!

    One year ago, we reached the milestone of having six million total registered users worldwide. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    One year on, and two million more of you have started using Overleaf! 🎉🎉

    Just a few weeks ago in June, the eight millionth user registered for an account on Overleaf, as the LaTeX community continues to grow and expand. We’ve also seen peaks of over 400k daily active users in 2021, which is another record!

    This is amazing, and we’d like to send a message of thanks to everyone who uses, shares, collaborates upon, and champions Overleaf! You’re all fantastic!

  • Sven · May 31, 2021

    Congratulations to Paulo, John, and Sven—Best Case Study at ACM CHI2021


    We are extremely proud to share the exciting news that Paulo Reis (Overleaf), John Lees-Miller (Overleaf), and Sven Laqua (Digital Science) have been awarded the SIGCHI Best Case Study Award at the ACM CHI2021 Conference for their case study on “Merging SaaS Products In A User-Centered Way - A Case Study of Overleaf and ShareLaTeX”.

  • Mary Anne · January 8, 2021

    Overleaf awarded the 2020 MERLOT Classics Award for Mathematics

    Classics Logo 2

    Right at the end of 2020, we received some nice news that rather bucked the trend in what had been a very different year to the one we all expected.

    We received an email from the chair of the Mathematics Editorial Board for MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Online Teaching), to inform us that Overleaf has been awarded the 2020 MERLOT Classics Award for Mathematics!

  • John · July 1, 2020

    Reaching six million users in an unprecedented six months

    It has certainly been an unexpected six months since the start of 2020. Back on January 1st, when we all celebrated the start of the new year, none of us expected the lockdown and global pandemic that would follow, nor the events in the USA that would galvanise Black Lives Matter around the world.

    In amongst all of this, in early June we reached the milestone of six million users worldwide, after hitting five million last November. We also saw our best-ever month for active users in May, driven both by the natural growth of Overleaf we’ve seen each year since we started back in 2012, and also the accelerated move to online collaborative tools in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic which has swept across the globe in a few short months.


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