Weekly Homework X
Dana Ernst
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is the homework my students use for typing up their weekly homework in LaTeX.
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% Head down to where it says "Start here"
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\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #2.}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #2.}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #2.}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #2.}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #2.}]}{\end{trivlist}}
\item[\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #1}\hskip \labelsep {\bfseries #2.}]}{\end{trivlist}}
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% Start here
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\title{Weekly Homework X}%replace X with the appropriate number
\author{Tony Stark\\ %replace with your name
Foundations of Mathematics} %if necessary, replace with your course title
\begin{theorem}{x.yz} %You can use theorem, exercise, problem, or question here. Modify x.yz to be whatever number you are proving
Delete this text and write theorem statement here.
\begin{proof} %You can also use solution in place of proof.
Blah, blah, blah. Here is an example of the \texttt{align} environment:
%Note 1: The * tells LaTeX not to number the lines. If you remove the *, be sure to remove it below, too.
%Note 2: Inside the align environment, you do not want to use $-signs. The reason for this is that this is already a math environment. This is why we have to include \text{} around any text inside the align environment.
\sum_{i=1}^{k+1}i & = \left(\sum_{i=1}^{k}i\right) +(k+1)\\
& = \frac{k(k+1)}{2}+k+1 & (\text{by inductive hypothesis})\\
& = \frac{k(k+1)+2(k+1)}{2}\\
& = \frac{(k+1)(k+2)}{2}\\
& = \frac{(k+1)((k+1)+1)}{2}.
Let $n\in \Z$. Then yada yada.
Blah, blah, blah. I'm so smart.
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