% MIT License
% Copyright (c) Paul Knysh
% paul.knysh@gmail.com
% format for the entire document
% packages needed
% includes lists of figures, tables and bibliography into the contents
% styles of titles (chapters, sections etc)
\titleformat{\chapter}[display]{\normalfont\bfseries}{\centering CHAPTER \thechapter}{0pt}{\centering}
% replaces default titles with following ones
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{LIST OF FIGURES}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{LIST OF TABLES}
\renewcommand{\bibname}{LIST OF REFERENCES}
% front matter pages (go to corresponding files and replace dummies with your info)
% comment out pages that are not used
% chapters
% add more chapters here using \input{}
% bibliography
% appendices
\titleformat{\chapter}[display]{\normalfont\bfseries}{\centering APPENDIX \thechapter}{0pt}{\centering}
% add more appendices here using \input{}