University of Cambridge Beamer
Shivam Nalin Patel
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is the Overleaf port of the Cambridge University by Philipp Hennig
This is the Overleaf port of the Cambridge University by Philipp Hennig
% Copyright 2007 by Till Tantau
% Copyright 2014 by Rich Wareham, Filippo Spiga
% Copyright 2016 by Petar Veličković
% Copyright 2020 by Shivam N Patel
% This file may be distributed and/or modified:
% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
% 2. under the GNU Public License.
% See the file LICENSE for more details.
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} % suppress navigation symbols
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% Setup TikZ
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% Author, Title, etc.
\title[Cross-modal convnets]
{\bf Cross-modal neural networks with intra-layer\\ specialisation and inter-layer feedback}%}
\author[Veli\v{c}kovi\'{c} et al.]
\underline{Petar Veli\v{c}kovi\'{c}}\inst{1}, Duo Wang\inst{1}, Benjamin Day\inst{1}, Filippo Spiga\inst{2} and Pietro Li\`{o}\inst{1}
{\inst{1}Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK\\
\inst{2}Research Computing Services, UIS, University of Cambridge, UK}
{ARM Research Summit 2016 \hfill \today}
% The main document
\subsection{The Model and the Problem}
\begin{frame}{What is haplotyping and why is it important?}
You hopefully know this after the previous three talks\dots
\[x^2 - y^2 = \int_{10}^{11} {x^2 dx}\]
\begin{frame}[t]{General formalization of thetyping.}
\item A \alert{genotype matrix} $G$.
\item The \alert{rows} of the matrix are \alert{taxa / individuals}.
\item The \alert{columns} of the matrix are \alert{SNP sites /
\item A \alert{haplotype matrix} $H$.
\item Pairs of rows in $H$ \alert{explain} the rows of $G$.
\item The haplotypes in $H$ are \alert{biologically plausible}.