UMass Boston Beamer Template
Jacob Adamczyk
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A basic template to make a beamer presentation for UMass Boston.
\usepackage{etoolbox, xparse}
% set colors
\definecolor{warmgrey}{HTML}{988f86} % {130,138,143}
\setbeamercolor*{palette primary}{bg=darkblue}
\setbeamercolor*{palette secondary}{bg=blue, fg = white}
\setbeamercolor*{palette tertiary}{bg=warmgrey, fg = white}
\setbeamercolor*{title}{bg=textcolor, fg = white}
\setbeamercolor*{caption name}{fg=warmgrey}
% \titlegraphic{\includegraphics[height=0.75cm]{logo.png}}
% logo of my university
\includegraphics[width=3.0cm]{umb_assets/Blue logo lockup with TM.png}
\title[Shorter Title on Each Slide]{Put your title here}%title
%\subtitle{ }%%subtitle
\author[Robert Beacon]{Robert Beacon\inst{1} and Leigh Thouse\inst{1}}%%authors
\institute[UMB]{University of Massachusetts, Boston\inst{1}}
\date[\textcolor{white}{Conference Name, \today}]
{Conference full name\\
%This block of commands puts the table of contents at the
%beginning of each section and highlights the current section:
% \begin{frame}
% \frametitle{Contents}
% \tableofcontents[currentsection]
% \end{frame}
% ------Contents below------
%The next statement creates the title page.
% consider removing it if it's too redundant
\frametitle{Table of Contents}
\textcolor{textcolor}{\huge{\centerline{Thank you!}}}