ULAB CSE499 Template
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh(ULAB)
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
CSE499 Project/Thesis template
Department of CSE, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh(ULAB)
CSE499 Project/Thesis template
Department of CSE, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh(ULAB)
% LaTeX template for a Bachelor Capstone Project Report/Thesis
% (CSE 499) of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
% at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB)
% Written By: Muhammad Abul Hasan, PhD
% Date Updated: August 09, 2022 (v1.3)
% For any comments or suggestions: muhammad.hasan@ulab.edu.bd
% Change the name and designation of Head of dept. as required
\def\HodName{Name of the HoD\xspace}
\def\HodPosition{Designation and Position\xspace}
% Set your report/thesis particulars
% Use one: Thesis/Capstone project report/Project report
\def\RoportType{Project/Thesis report\xspace}
%\def\RoportType{Project report\xspace}
\def\ReportTitle{Title of Capstone Project\xspace}
\def\Supervisor{Supervisor's Name\xspace}
\def\SupervisorPosition{Supervisor's Position\xspace}
\def\reportSubmissionDate{February 02, 2023}
\def\reportSubmissionTerm{Fall 2022}
% Set your group members particulars
\def\numberOfAuthors{3} % write 1, 2 or 3 (depends on group)
\def\firstAuthor{First Author\xspace}
\def\firstAuthorDedication{Dedicated to \\ \textit{my loving Mother}}
\def\secondAuthor{Second Author\xspace}
\def\secondAuthorDedication{To my beloved parents\\ \textit{the source of my inspiration}}
\def\thirdAuthor{Third Author\xspace}
\def\thirdAuthorDedication{To ... \\ \textit{xyz} \\ a good soul.}
% Include Chapters
\input{./Setup/rear} %include Reference Section
\include{./Chapters/chapter7}%include Appendices Section