UIBK Abschlussarbeiten
Hans-Peter Schroecker, http://geometrie.uibk.ac.at/schroecker
Last Updated
Other (as stated in the work)
Vorlage LaTeX-Klasse für alle Abschlussarbeiten
LaTeX-Klasse (Version 1.15, 14. Juli 2022)
type=MA, % BA, MA, PhD, or Expose
lang=german, % english or german
study=Bau, % BauUmwelt, Bau, Umwelt, Mech, or Doktorat
uni=LFUI, % LFUI or UMIT
expose=false, % true or false; defaults to false
explanation=true, % true or false; set to false prior to printing!
specialization=BBP, % BBP, KIB, MOS, EEG, GVW, or UVW; only applicable to MA Bau or MA Umwelt
% Modern LaTeX installations and editors can and should use unicode input
% encoding.
% Using bibtex or its successor biber is the recommended way to handle your
% bibliography. You may use a bibliographystyle of your choice. This sample
% document uses natbib and a numeric citation style. Another good and modern alternative is the biblatex package.
% \usepackage[authoryear,round]{natbib} % for author-year citations
% Enter your data:
\AcademicTitlePre{} % Mag., Dipl.-Ing., etc.
\AcademicTitlePost{BSc} % BA, MA, etc.
\setboolean{AuthorFemale}{true} % true or false
% Title, subtitle, and date (Month Year) of your thesis. Don't make titles
% excessively long!
\title{Titel der Masterarbeit (maximal drei Zeilen!)}
\Subtitle{Vorlage für Masterarbeiten an der Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften, Universität Innsbruck}
% End of blocking period if exclusion from use (``Sperre'') has been granted.
% Leave empty, if exclusion from use has not been applied for or has not been
% granted. Only applicable to Master or PhD theses.
\publicafter{1. J\"anner 2020}
% The (principal) advisor of your thesis. This is necessary for all thesis types (BA, MA, or PhD).
\Advisor{Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anke Bockreis}
\AdvisorUniversity{Universität Innsbruck}
\AdvisorDepartment{Institut für Infrastruktur}
\AdvisorResearchUnit{Arbeitsbereich für Umwelttechnik}
% The co-advisor, if applicable. In case of a BA thesis or expose, these macros have no effects and can be omitted.
\AdvisorTwo{Univ.-Prof. Dr. Manfred Husty}
\AdvisorTwoUniversity{Universität Innsbruck}
\AdvisorTwoDepartment{Institut für Grundlagen der Technischen Wissenschaften}
\AdvisorTwoResearchUnit{Arbeitsbereich für Geometrie und CAD}
{Optional. Falls dieser Abschnitt nicht erwünscht ist, einfach löschen oder
leer lassen.}
{Optional. If not needed, just delete or leave empty.}
Kurzfassung Ihrer Arbeit in deutscher Sprache. Verpflichtend!
Abstract of your thesis in English. Compulsory!
% Insert table of contents and clear page (or double page in case of MA or PhD theses)
% Delete next line if you do not have figures.
% Delete next line if you do not have tables.
% If you wish, you may add more material such as a glossary or a list of abbreviations.
% Here comes the main part of your thesis.
% Replace the text until >>>END with the actual contents of your thesis. The next line is only there to produce some meaningless text, a short usage info and citations for the list of references.
% >>>END
% Uncomment, if you want to have an appendix.
% \appendix
% \chapter{Appendix chapter title.}
% The bibliography. Using bibtex (or the modern alternative biber in conjunction with the biblatex package) is highly recommended but not compulsory.
\bibliography{ftwthesis} % replace with your own bibtex-database