UiB SAMPOL Outline
Jonah Barkley-Griggs
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
An UNOFFICIAL document meant to comply with Universitetet i Bergen PoliSci essay requirements.
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\section{Lorem Ipsum}
The UiB SAMPOL Guidelines require in text citations following the format "(Name year, page)" \parencite[1,4]{Source}. \textit{Please note this may be outdated}. To facilitate this, this document is set up to use '\textbackslash parencite[page]\{source\}' rather then '\textbackslash cite'.
% The UiB SAMPOL Guidelines require in text citations following the format (Name year, page#). To facilitate this, this document is set up to use '\parencite[page]{source}' rather then '\cite'.
I can't promise this will comply with your essay requirements, so please double check. Good luck on your assignment, I hope you found this helpful!