Thesis Template for University at Buffalo
Jalil Modares, Nicholas P. Nicoletti
Last Updated
Other (as stated in the work)
LaTeX Template for UB Thesis/Dissertation, downloaded from
LaTeX Template for UB Thesis/Dissertation, downloaded from
% filename = "Dissertation Index.tex",
% version = "Draft 1",
% date = "1/16/2013",
% authors = "Nicholas P. Nicoletti",
% copyright = "Nicholas P. Nicoletti",
% address = "Department of Political Science,
% 516 Park Hall,
% University at Buffalo,
% Buffalo, NY 14260,
% USA",
% telephone = "(585) 752-5167",
% email = "",
% Change History:
% Draft Version 1.0 - No Changes.
% This is a template file to help get you started using the
% psuthesis.cls for theses and dissertations at Penn State
% University. You will, of course, need to put the
% psuthesis.cls file someplace that LaTeX will find it.
% We have set up a directory structure that we find to be clean
% and convenient. You can readjust it to suit your tastes. In
% fact, the structure used by our students is even a little
% more involved and commands are defined to point to the
% various directories.
% This document has been set up to be typeset using pdflatex.
% About the only thing you will need to change if typesetting
% using latex is the \DeclareGraphicsExtensions command.
% The psuthesis document class uses the same options as the
% book class. In addition, it requires that you have the
% ifthen, calc, setspace, and tocloft packages.
% The first additional option specifies the degree type. You
% can choose from:
% Ph.D. using class option <phd>
% M.S. using class option <ms>
% M.Eng. using class option <meng>
% M.A. using class option <ma>
% B.S. using class option <bs>
% B.A. using class option <ba>
% Honors Baccalaureate using the option <honors>
% If you specify either ba or bs in addition to honors, it will
% just use the honors option and ignore the ba or bs option.
% The second additional option <inlinechaptertoc> determines
% the formatting of the Chapter entries in the Table of
% Contents. The default sets them as two-line entries (try it).
% If you want them as one-line entries, issue the
% inlinechaptertoc option.
% The class option ``honors'' should be used for theses
% submitted to the Schreyer Honors College. This option
% changes the formatting on the Title page so that the
% signatures appear on the Title page. Be sure and comment
% out the command \psusigpage when using this option since it
% is not needed and it messes up the vertical spacing on the
% Title page.
% The class option ``honorsdepthead'' adds the signature of the
% department head on the Title page for those baccalaureate
% theses that require this.
% The class option ``secondthesissupervisor'' should be used
% for baccalaureate honors degrees if you have a second
% Thesis Supervisor.
% The vita is only included with the phd option and it is
% placed at the end of the thesis. The permissions page is only
% included with the ms, meng, and ma options.
% Only one of the following lines should be used at a time.
% Packages we like to use. %
\usepackage{eqlist} % Makes for a nice list of symbols.
\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf, .jpg, .png}
\def\citeapos#1{\citeauthor{#1}'s \citeyear{#1}}
% Setting for fncychap %
% Comment out or remove the next two lines and you will get
% the standard LaTeX chapter titles. We like these A LOT
% better.
% Use of the hyperref package %
% This is optional and is included only for those students
% who want to use it.
% To use the hyperref package, uncomment the following line:
% Note that you should also uncomment the following line:
% to work around some problem hyperref has with the fact
% the psuthesis class has unnumbered pages after which page
% counters are reset.
% Renewed Float Parameters %
% (Makes floats fit better on the page) %
\renewcommand{\topfraction} {0.85}
\renewcommand{\bottomfraction} {0.85}
\renewcommand{\textfraction} {0.15}
% ----------------------------------------------------------- %
% Title
\title{Designing Multi-Drone Networks and Applications}
% Author and Date of Degree Conferral or Defense
\author{SayedJalil Modares Najafabadi}
% the degree will be conferred on this date
\degreedate{March 2017}
% year of your copyright. I have removed this from the cover page because UB's guidelines do not include it.
% This is the document type. For example, this could also be:
% Comprehensive Document
% Thesis Proposal
%The department where you will be submitting the document%
\dept{Department of Electrical Engineering}
% This will generally be The Graduate School, though you can
% put anything in here to suit your needs. This has also been removes from the cover page via the psuthesis.cls document because UB guidelines do not allow for it.
\submittedto{The Graduate School}
% Signatory Page %
% You can have up to 7 committee members, i.e., one advisor
% and up to 6 readers.
% Begin by specifying the number of readers.
% Input reader information below. The optional argument, which
% comes first, goes on the second line before the name.
\advisor[Thesis Advisor, Chair of Committee]
{Nicholas Mastronarde}
{Professor of Electrical Engineering}
\readerone[Committee Member]
{Dimitris Pados}
{Professor of Electrical Engineering}
\readertwo[Committee Member]
{Weifeng Su}
{Professor of Electrical Engineering}
\readerthree[Committee Member]
{Josep M. Jornet}
{Professor of Electrical Engineering}
% Makes use of LaTeX's include facility. Add as many chapters
% and appendices as you like.
% Preliminary Material %
% This command is needed to properly set up the frontmatter.
% The following commands allow you to include all the
% frontmatter in your thesis. If you don't need one or more of
% these items, you can comment it out. Most of these items are
% actually required by the Grad School -- see the Thesis Guide
% for details regarding what is and what is not required for
% your particular degree.
% Generates the signature page. This is not bound with your
% thesis.
% Generates the title page based on info you have provided
% above.
%Generates Copyright Page
% Generates the committee page -- this is bound with your
% thesis. If this is an baccalaureate honors thesis, then
% comment out this line.
% \psucommitteepage
% Generates the Epigraph/Dedication. The first argument should
% point to the file containing your Epigraph/Dedication and
% the second argument should be the title of this page.
% Generates the Acknowledgments. The argument should point to
% the file containing your Acknowledgments.
% Generates the Table of Contents
% Generates the List of Tables
% Generates the List of Figures
% Generates the List of Symbols. The argument should point to
% the file containing your List of Symbols.
% \thesislistofsymbols{SupplementaryMaterial/ListOfSymbols}
% Generates the abstract. The argument should point to the
% file containing your abstract.
% This command is needed to get the main part of the %
% document going. %
% This is an AMS-LaTeX command to allow breaking %
% of displayed equations across pages. Note the %
% closing the "}" just before the bibliography. %
% Chapters
% Appendices
% Because of a quirk in LaTeX (see p. 48 of The LaTeX
% Companion, 2e), you cannot use \include along with
% \addtocontents if you want things to appear the proper
% sequence. Since the PSU Grad School requires
% \include{Appendix-A/main}
% \include{Appendix-B/main}
% ESM students need to include a Nontechnical Abstract as the %
% last appendix. %
% This \include command should point to the file containing
% that abstract.
} % End of the \allowdisplaybreak command %
% You can use BibTeX or other bibliography facility for your
% bibliography. LaTeX's standard stuff is shown below. If you
% bibtex, then this section should look something like:
\phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}
%\bibitem{Wisdom87} J. Wisdom, ``Rotational Dynamics of Irregularly Shaped Natural Satellites,'' \emph{The Astronomical Journal}, Vol.~94, No.~5, 1987 pp. 1350--1360.
%\bibitem{G&H83} J. Guckenheimer and P. Holmes, \emph{Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields}, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1983.
% Vita
% \vita{SupplementaryMaterial/Vita}