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% Tech report template
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\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper, twoside]{article}
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% Variables
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\title{\textbf{Tech Reports\\How to write an effective report using a long title such that it does not fit in the fancy header}} % Full title of your tech report
\runningtitle{A short title for your report} % Short title
\author{My name \and John Doe \and Jane Doe} % Full list of authors
\runningauthor{My name et al.} % Short list of authors
\affiliation{My University} % Affiliation e.g. University or Company
\department{My Department} % Department or Office
\memoid{AI Memo 420} % ID of the tech report
\theyear{2018} % year of the tech report
\mydate{October 24, 2018} %the date
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% actual document
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\keywords{Keyword1, Keyword2, Keyword3}
Special thanks to \textbf{Person 1} and \textbf{Affiliation A} for financial support for this project.
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% End of first page
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\newgeometry{} % Redefine geometries (normal margins)
Tech Report writing is an art.
Thanks again to \textbf{Person 1} and \textbf{Affiliation A} for their financial support.
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% Bibliography
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% \bibliography{../biblio.bib}
% \bibliographystyle{abbrv}
\section{An appendix}
\section{Another appendix}
\subsection*{Subsectioning in appendix}
Some more text, and a list:
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