% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% The University of Edinburgh - School of Engineering
% LaTeX Exam template
% School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh (c) 2019-2020
% This template is built upon the LaTeX exam style
% Comments / suggestions: F. Teixeira-Dias (f.teixeira-dias@ed.ac.uk)
% A. Giannopoulos (a.giannopoulos@ed.ac.uk)
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
% - Read the included "ReadMeFirst.txt" file before writing your exam
% - All figures/graphs/etc. should be in the folder "Images"
% - Create each question in a separate *.tex file
% - Lines with the "EDIT" comment can/should be edited
% - DO NOT edit or change the following files: SoECoverPage.tex
% SoEExam_aux.tex
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% EDIT - Course and exam information
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\newcommand{\theCourseCode}{CODE12345} % EDIT - Course code (e.g. MECE10002)
\newcommand{\theCourse}{Course Title} % EDIT - Course title (e.g. Dynamics 4)
\newcommand{\theExamDate}{Month Year} % EDIT - Date of exam (e.g. May 2019)
\newcommand{\theDiet}{Diet} % EDIT - Exam diet (Main OR Resit)
\newcommand{\examOC}{Closed} % EDIT - Type of exam (Closed OR Open)
\newcommand{\useCalculators}{Yes} % EDIT - Calculators allowed? (Yes OR No)
\newcommand{\formulaSheet}{Yes} % EDIT - Formula sheet included? (Yes OR No)
\newcommand{\hasSections}{Yes} % EDIT - Does the exam have sections? (Yes OR No)
% If Yes: Use \sectionStart to start new sections
% If No: Comment all \sectionStart lines
\newcommand{\separateBooks}{Yes} % EDIT - Answer sections in separate books? (Yes OR No)
\newcommand{\numberQuestions}{All} % EDIT - Number of questions to answer. (e.g. All OR 3)
\newcommand{\withSolutions}{No} % EDIT - Include solutions (Yes OR No)
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\input{SoEExam_aux} % Document and style definitions
\begin{document} % Start of content
\input{SoECoverPage.tex} % Cover page
\begin{questions} % Start questions
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% EDIT - Exam structure - Sections and questions
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% EDIT - Copy to add sections/questions
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\sectionStart % EDIT - Start new section: COMMENT this line if no sections
\callQuestion{MCQuestion.tex}{15} % EDIT - Question file name and points
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% EDIT - Copy to add sections/questions
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\sectionStart % EDIT - Start new section: COMMENT this line if no sections
\callQuestion{ThisQuestion.tex}{20} % EDIT - Question file name and points
\callQuestion{ThatQuestion.tex}{20} % EDIT - Question file name and points
% -----------------------------------------------------
% EDIT - Copy to add sections/questions
% -----------------------------------------------------
\sectionStart % EDIT - Start new section: COMMENT this line if no sections
\callQuestion{AnotherQuestion.tex}{20} % EDIT - Question file name and points
\callQuestion{YetAnotherQuestion.tex}{20} % EDIT - Question file name and points
% -----------------------------------------------------
% End questions
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\end{questions} % End of sections and questions
\vfill \medskip\hfill\textbf{END OF EXAM} % End of exam paper
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% DO NOT EDIT - Formula sheet
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\callFormulaSheet{FormulaSheet.tex} % EDIT - Formula sheet: COMMENT line if no formula sheet
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% End exam paper
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