Boshi Yuan
Last Updated
Other (as stated in the work)
Shanghai Jiao Tong University LaTeX Template for thesis proposal (unofficial)
上海交通大学开题报告 LaTeX 模板(非官方)
% 设置页边距
top = 2.5cm,
bottom = 2.5cm,
left = 2.8cm,
right = 2.8cm,
% 使用 Times Roman 西文字体
Extension = .otf,
UprightFont = *-regular,
BoldFont = *-bold,
ItalicFont = *-italic,
BoldItalicFont = *-bolditalic,
% 定义 ``研究课题来源'' 表格里用到的勾和框
\newcommand*{\myunchecked}{$\square$\kern.65pt} % 未打勾的方框
\newcommand*{\mychecked}{\checkmark} % 打勾
% 一级标题仿宋加粗、悬挂缩进
% 二级和三级标题楷书加粗,与正文字体一致
section / name = {,、}, % 一级标题编号后的顿号
section / aftername = {}, % 取消顿号后的间距
section / format = \fangsong\bfseries\linespread{1.25}\selectfont,
subsection / format = \kaishu\bfseries,
subsubsection / format = \kaishu\bfseries,
\zihao{1} 研究生学位论文开题报告\par\vspace{18.8pt}
\zihao{-3} Graduate Thesis/Dissertation Proposal
% 填写说明:请在下面表格中填写你的信息,注意事项:
% 1. 学生类别 Degree Program 中应填写以下四个中的一个
% a. 学术型博士生 Academic Doctoral Student
% b. 专业型博士生 Professional Doctoral Student
% c. 学术型硕士生 Academic Master Student
% d. 专业型硕士生 Professional Master Student
% 2. 学习形式 Study Mode 中应填写以下三个中的一个
% a. 全日制 Full-time
% b. 非全日制 Part-time
% c. 同等学力学生
% 3. 论文题目如果太长,使用 \\ 手动换行 (见示例)
% 左栏中文为楷书加粗四号字,英文为小四加粗;右栏为仿宋小四加下划线
{\zihao{4}学号}~~Student ID
& 012345678912\\
& 交通大学\\
{\zihao{4}学生类别}~~Degree Program
& 学术型博士生 Academic Doctoral Student\\
{\zihao{4}学习形式}~~Study Mode
& 全日制 Full-time\\
& 我的导师\\
{\zihao{4}论文题目}~~Thesis Title
& \makecell[l]{我的很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长很长的\\
& 我的学院\\
& 我的专业\\
& 202Y-MM-DD\\
& 会议室\\
\vspace{-5cm} % 防止表格被排到下一页
{\heiti 填\quad 报\quad 说\quad 明}\par
{\bfseries Instruction}
\item 校本部研究生的开题报告应通过%
The application for thesis/dissertation proposal
should be submitted online through
\href{}{\color{blue}\underline{My SJTU}}.
The student shall fill this form and upload it in the system.
Under special circumstance,
this form does not need to be uploaded
and the review can be proceeded with the review form
with prior consent from the graduate school.
\item 开题报告为A4大小,于左侧装订成册。各栏空格不够时,请自行加页。
This form should be printed with A4 papers
and bound together on the left.
If the space left is not enough,
please feel free to add extra pages.
The print version shall be sent to the supervisor,
and the review committee members for review
at least one week before the oral presentation.
\item 博士生导师可以根据博士生学位论文选题情况自行确定是否进行开题查新,
The supervisor should decide, based on the proposed topics,
whether a novelty assessment report is needed or not,
which should be conducted by an authorized
novelty assessment department.
\item 开题报告通过后,定稿版开题报告由研究生、导师各存档一份,无需上传系统。
Upon passing the proposal,
the final version of this report shall be archived by the
graduate student and his/her supervisors for future reference.
\item 同等学力研究生开题答辩采用会议形式,
The capstone presentation adopts a conference format,
and at least three experts with master's degree guidance
qualifications in relevant disciplines and professional fields
are invited for the master's degree.
And five experts with doctoral guidance qualifications
in relevant disciplines/professional fields are invited
for doctoral guidance.
% 填写说明:请在下面表格中填写你的信息,注意事项:
% 1. 论文题目如果太长,使用 \\ 手动换行 (见示例)
% 2. 本模板提供了 \mychecked 命令用来打勾,
% \myunchecked 命令用来画出未打勾的方框
\linespread{1.68}\selectfont % 与word仔细比对后选取的经验值
\makecell[l]{论文题目\\Proposed Title} &
\makecell[l]{研究课题来源\\Source of Research\\Project} &
请在合适选项前画 \checkmark~~Please select proper options by ``\checkmark''.\\
\mychecked\ 国家自然科学基金课题 NSFC Research Grants\\
\myunchecked\ 国家社会科学基金 National Social Science Fund of China\\
\mychecked\ 国家重大科研专项 National Key Research Projects\\
\myunchecked\ 其它纵向科研课题 Other Governmental Research Grants\\
\myunchecked\ 企业横向课题 R\&D Projects from Industry\\
\myunchecked\ 自拟课题 Self-proposed Project\\
\myunchecked\ 其它 Other\enspace
\vtop{\hbox{在此处填写内容} \hbox{\rule[-1.5pt]{8cm}{.25pt}}}\\
% 设置后续正文的字体:楷书、0.5倍段间距
% 行距倍数 1.75 为与官方 word 版仔细比对后选取的经验值
% 设置浮动体内的字体为楷书小四号字,与正文一致
% 填写说明:开始撰写你的开题报告。
% 1. \section 里是官方开题报告模板里的填写要求,已为你准备好。
% 2. 请接在后面填写你的正文内容,具体请仔细阅读示例和注释。
% 3. 你可以使用 \subsection 和 \subsubsection 命令来使用小标题
% 所有小标题都可以使用 \label 打标签,并用 \ref 进行引用
博士生不少于 10,000 汉字,硕士生不少于 5,000 汉字。
Please review the frontier, current status,
challenges and significance of the research topic.
The citations should be marked in the context
and listed in order at the end of this section.
No less than 8,000 words for doctoral students
and 4,000 words for master students if written in English.}
让我们引用著名的 SPDZ 协议 \cite{SPDZ}。
当然我们也可以引用一个中文文献 \cite{ZJSD}。
让我们写一点数学公式 $c^2 = a^2 + b^2$。
并使用 \LaTeX{} 的 \verb|\label| 和 \verb|\ref| 命令进行引用,
如第 \ref{sub} 节和第 \ref{subsub} 节所示。
\vspace{2\baselineskip}% 让参考文献列表与正文有 2 行的间距
\linespread{1.25}\selectfont % 参考文献行距小一点
参考文献 References:
Research objectives, main contents and key issues to be solved.}
Research methods and research scheme to be adopted
and feasibility analysis.}
\section{课题的创新点 Novelties of the proposed topic.}
\section{计划进度、预期成果 Research schedule, and expected outcomes.}
我计划一年内发各种顶级会议,然后再发 Nature 和 Science 这样的期刊,然后获得诺贝尔奖。
Prior experience and accomplished achievements
related to the proposed topic.}
% 剩下的所有内容均为仿宋加粗小四号字
I hereby declare and confirm that the details
provided in this Form are valid and accurate.
If anything untruthful found,
I will bear the corresponding liabilities and consequences.
学生签字/Signature of Student: 交通大学
日期/Date: 202Y-MM-DD