\documentclass[letterpaper,man,natbib]{apa6} %Leave this stuff alone
%Below is what you can edit
\title{Your APA6-Style Manuscript}
\shorttitle{Your APA6-Style Manuscript}
\abstract{Your abstract here.}
This is my introduction. I need to cite something. APA citations are often folded into sentences. For instance I might say that \cite{gossage2003two} give an interesting description of the life-cycle of sand flies. Notice what appears in the pdf preview...you see the names of the authors and the year. Also at the end, you will see the properly formatted APA reference. It appears automatically.\\
Editing and managing the .bib file is sometimes done with separate software (Mendeley for example). The website scholar.google.com gives properly formatted entries for your .bib file. The reason we use a separate file is that real research projects often contain many references. Managing them can be a chore.
\subsection{This is a Subsection}
This is some text for the subsection.