Scientific Working Template
Vojtěch Kulvait
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for the Scientific Working class
Template for the Scientific Working class
\usepackage{csquotes}%Correctly typeset Vojtech
\usepackage[font={scriptsize}]{caption}%Smaller image captions, it for italics, can choose footnotesize to be even smaller
\captionsetup[figure]{labelformat=empty}%Remove "Figure" from the figure caption
%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]
%Mathematic packages
% File is created and written to disk by the above package
\title[Short article name]{Full article name\\\scriptsize{Journal name, volume, pages, publication date}}
\author{First Author, Second Author, Third Author}
\institute{Student presentation of the Scientific working class\\
Otto-von-Guericke-Universit\"{a}t, Magdeburg
\\Created and presented by: Student Name
\date[2020]{\today}%Put actual date of the presentation
%\begin{frame}{Table of contents}
% \tableofcontents
%\end{frame} ... its generally not necessery to provide table of contents for such short presentation