RMIT PhD Thesis template in LaTeX
Ammar Kamoona
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is a Ph.D. thesis template for RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. I hope this template will be a time saver for LaTeX users.
This is a Ph.D. thesis template for RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. I hope this template will be a time saver for LaTeX users.
\usepackage{subcaption} % For complex figures
\usepackage[titletoc, header, page]{appendix}
%\usepackage{pdfpages} %To attach PDF in the appendices
\usepackage{array} % For fancy tables
\usepackage{booktabs} % For formal tables
\usepackage{longtable} % For long tables
\usepackage{siunitx} % International System of Units
\usepackage{datetime} % To manage date format
\usepackage{setspace} % To configure dobule/single space
%\usepackage{class/gantt} % Uncomment if gantt chart is needed
\author{Ammar Mansoor Kamoona
% \\ {\normalsize \href{}{\texttt{}}}
% \and
% Camilla Lekebjer \\
% {\normalsize \href{}{\texttt{}}}
\title{PhD Thesis template in LaTeX}
\subtitle{The unofficial RMIT University of Technology Thesis template}
\subtitle{A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy}
%% You can choose between one or two affiliations, if you don't fill in
%% any of those commands,.
%% If you only have one affiliation, use the following commands:
\affiliation{School of Electrical and Computer Engineering \\
College of Science, Engineering and Health}
%% If you have two affiliations, use the following fields:
%two affiliations
%\affiliations{Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology}{MIT}
%% Document, is this your Doctoral Thesis, or your Confirmation of Candidature?
\TypeOfDocument{Doctoral Thesis}
%\TypeOfDocument{Confirmation of Candidature}
%% Place where you submit and/or present the thesis
%\location{Barcelona, Catalunya}
%\location{Lund, Sweden}
\location{Melbourne, Australia}
%% Date without the day of the month
%\newdateformat{mydate}{\monthname[\THEMONTH] \THEYEAR}
%\date{January 2015}
%% This command generates all the pages before Chapter 1
%% Cover, Abstract, Acknowledgements, Declaration, Contents
%% If list of figures and/or list of tables is needed, UNCOMENT the following lines
%% Contents are still in roman numbers, don't touch this
%% Arabic numbers from Chapter 1 to the end.
%% Double or One-half space.
%% My supervisors want read the thesis in double space to make comments.
%% One-and-a-half line spacing should be used for the body of the work;
%% single spacing may be used for indented quotations and in appendices, reference lists, and footnotes
%% `make' to compile the document in one half spacing
%% `make draft' to compile it in double space
%% Chapters. Include here all your chapters
%% Bibliography using bibtex
%% Appendices. If you don't have any appendices, comment the appendices section
%% Include here all your appendices
% \include{Appendices/appendixA}
% If you want to add a pdf already generated in the appendix, use the following command