Presentation template for the Archives Poincaré - Lorraine University
Joseph Vidal-Rosset
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
For presentations on behald of the Archives Poincaré (Lorraine University - Nancy - France)
For presentations on behald of the Archives Poincaré (Lorraine University - Nancy - France)
% Created 2017-12-14 jeu. 14:25
% Intended LaTeX compiler: pdflatex
\institute[Université de Lorraine]{Département de philosophie \\ Archives Henri Poincaré - UMR 7117 du CNRS \\ Université de Lorraine \\ 91 bd Libération, 54000 Nancy \\ France }
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{%
\author{Joseph Vidal-Rosset}
\title{Presentation template}
\section{Section 1}
First point
\section{Section 2}
\begin{block}{A title}
Text and text again \ldots{}
\section{Section 3}
\begin{frame}[label={sec:orgb86c640}]{A bigger title}
Text\ldots{} \pause
\begin{block}{A subtitle}
Text and bibliographical reference, for example about Quine \cite{quine1934}