Ph.D. thesis template (physics)
Ivo Straka
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A physical Ph.D. thesis template prepared for the Palacký University. It can be edited to cover other thesis types and other universities.
%%% PACKAGES %%%
\setdefaultlanguage[variant=uk]{english} % change to your language
%\setotherlanguage{czech} % if you need a specific part written in another language
% hyphenation rules for specialized words
%\hyphenation{pho-ton quan-tum}
% see biblatex documentation
% needed for a specific command changing bibliography formatting
% !!! LOREM IPSUM for demo purposes, you can get rid of this
% Libertinus fonts
% At the moment, STIX looks better than Libertinus Math, but that will hopefully change soon.
% feel free to comment this out and try Libertinus Math
% metadata for the PDF file
pdfauthor={John Smith},
pdftitle={The Title of the Thesis},
pdfkeywords={lasers, photons, and stuff}
% you may put the publications you authored in a separate category
% force the order you want by referencing them all here using \nocite
% Biblatex enables editing .bib entries and configuring everything in your LaTeX document
% get rid of the months
\step[fieldset=month, null]
% declare special bibliography contexts with optional prefixes
% change the typesetting of reference numbers in the bibliography
% declare command \citenum that prints a plain reference number
% can be used in a sentence
% produce clickable URL links for theses
% small caps typesetting of author names
% make the 'and' between the last two authors upright and not small caps
% taken from biblatex.def and modified
% after the authors list, there is a colon and a newline
% the newline between name and journal is tricky to add, because there is no command to redefine.
% here is some black magic using the package xpatch
% taken from
% make the font size smaller for bibliography
% if you don't like titles in quotes, this gets rid of them
% \iftoggle{bbx:chaptertitle}
% {#1\isdot}
% {}%
% !!! the narrow margins are inner margins, while the wider margins are outer margins
% odd-numbered pages 1,3,5,... right side >>> __text____
% even-numbered pages 2,4,6,... left side >>> ____text__
% see
% page layout and margins are left at default settings
% this is here only so LaTeX does not complain
% the aim here is to have section names in the headings on the inner side
% the way I think this works is:
% when evaluating the \section[shortName]{fullName} command in the text, there is a \sectionmark command inside.
% calling \markboth like below changes the current heading to shortName
% works the same for chapters, both commands are redefined to cover the cases where the chapter does not contain a section immediately
% !!! asterisk commands and table of contents do not contain marks, so you need to do it manually (see the main text)
% remove page numbers from the footer and put it into the header (outer side)
% redefine plain style to be compatible with fancy (beginning of chapters)
\fancypagestyle{plain}{ %
\fancyhf{} % remove everything
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % remove lines as well
% hyperlinks are highlighted using colored text instead of colored boxes
% !!! switch off for printing unless you want the color in print
% heading styles, sans serif
{\huge\headingStyle}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge\headingStyle}
% in case you like prefixes to distinguish tables and figures from other numbered references
% LaTeX is not an efficient tool for visual typesetting, so the title page is done in Inkscape
\centerline{\headingStyle\Large Abstract}
Abstract goes here.
\noindent\textbf{Keywords:} keywords
Title: & The Title of the Thesis \\
& That Might Be Too Long For One Line \\
Author: & John Smith \\
Advisor: & Harry Jones \\
Study programme: & Optics and Optoelectronics \\
Institution: & Department of Optics, Faculty of Science,\\
& Palacký University \\
Year: & 2019 \\
Pages: & 100
Legal and other disclaimers.
\centerline{\headingStyle\Large Acknowledgements}
Here I thank everyone who helped me while I was working on my thesis.
% this part may be included from a separate file by \input
Here I explain my contribution to the thesis and how it came to be.
April 2019
John Smith
% it is best to have chapters in separate files and include them by \input
This is an intro.\autocite{Smith2017} It may cite some references.\autocite{Migdall2013Book,Straka2014,Straka2018Apr,Straka2019Thesis} Reference \citenum{Straka2019Thesis} is the original thesis typeset using the first version of this template.
\section{The first section}
A picture is included in Figure \ref{fig}. Equations \eqref{SPDC.state} to \eqref{math.PoissonBayes} show some math. Thanks to the package \textsc{unicode-math}, you can insert Unicode mathematical symbols directly into the \LaTeX{} code.
\left| \text{\sc SPDC} \right> &\approx \left| \text{vac.} \right> + \iint\limits_{\mathbf{k}_1,\mathbf{k}_2} \varPsi(\mathbf{k}_1,\mathbf{k}_2)a^\dagger_{\mathbf{k}_1}a^\dagger_{\mathbf{k}_2} \left|\text{vac.} \right>.
\text{DFT}(f)_s &= \sum_{r=0}^{n-1} f_r e^{-2\pi r s/n},
g^{(2)}(0) &\coloneq \frac{\langle n(n-1) \rangle}{\langle n \rangle^2} \approx \frac{2 p_2}{p_1^2} \approx \mathcal{R}\tau_c (2-\eta_t).
P(\theta|N_m) &= \lim_{U \rightarrow \infty} \left( \frac{\frac{\theta^{N_m}}{N_m!} e^{-\theta} \cdot \frac{1}{U}}{\int_0^U \frac{\theta^{N_m}}{N_m!} e^{-\theta} \cdot \frac{1}{U}\,\text{d}\theta} \right) = \frac{\theta^{N_m}}{N_m!} e^{-\theta}.
\caption{This shows a measurement scheme.\autocite{Straka2019Thesis}}
\section[The second section]{The second section with a very long title that would not fit in the header}
\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,resetnumbers,category=MyArticles,title={Articles covering the presented results}]
\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography,resetnumbers,nottype=book,notcategory=MyArticles,title={Articles, proceedings and theses}]