Oxford Statistics Presentation
Chris Carmona
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Simple beamer template with the colours and logo Oxford Statistics Department
%% If you have any problems using this template, please contact the author: %%
%% Chris Carmona: carmona@stats.ox.ac.uk ; chriscarmona.me %%
%% Information (author, title, etc.) %%
\title[Short Title]{% short title for footer
Long and Descriptive Title
\author{ Your Name \and Your Collaborator}
\textit{Department of Statistics}\\
\textit{University of Oxford}
\date[Venue and Date]{% short date for footer
Venue, Date
%% Content of slides %%
% Title slide %
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=oxfordblue}
% Contents slide
%now include the slides
\section{Section 1}
\subsection{Subsection a}
\frametitle{First slide Title}
Add your contents and citations \citep{Tantau2016beamerguide}
\section{Section 2}
\frametitle{Another Slide}
Maybe some figures like Fig.~\ref{fig:my_label}
\caption{Example image}
% Conclusions
Thank you!
% References slide
\bibliographystyle{apalike} %use the apalike bibliography style
\bibliography{references} % bibliography file