\author{Radek Šimík\orcid{0000-0002-4736-195X}\affiliation{Charles University} and Berit Gehrke\orcid{0000-0002-6315-9532}\affiliation{Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin} and Denisa Lenertová\orcid{}\affiliation{Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin} and Roland Meyer\orcid{0000-0003-2023-0527}\affiliation{Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin} and Luka Szucsich\orcid{}\affiliation{Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin} and Joanna Zaleska\orcid{0000-0002-0059-6938}\affiliation{Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin}}
% replace the above with you and your coauthors
% rules for affiliation: If there's an official English version, use that (find out on the official website of the university); if not, use the original
% orcid doesn't appear printed; it's metainformation used for later indexing
%%% uncomment the following line if you are a single author or all authors have the same affiliation
% \SetupAffiliations{mark style=none}
%% in case the running head with authors exceeds one line (which is the case in this example document), use one of the following methods to turn it into a single line; otherwise comment the line below out with % and ignore it
\lehead{Šimík, Gehrke, Lenertová, Meyer, Szucsich \& Zaleska}
% \lehead{Radek Šimík et al.}
\title{Open Slavic Linguistics style guidelines}
% replace the above with your paper title
%%% provide a shorter version of your title in case it doesn't fit a single line in the running head
% in this form: \title[short title]{full title}
\abstract{Abstract goes here and should not have more than 150 words.
\keywords{here, come, your, 4 to 6 keywords or keyphrases}
% the chapter number will be provided by volume editors; for now keep this way
% Just comment out the input below when you're ready to go.
\textsc{3}&third person\\
\textsc{prs}&present tense\\
&\\ % this dummy row achieves correct vertical alignment of both tables
Place your acknowledgements here and funding information here.