Ohio University Dissertation Template
Ohio University
Last Updated
Other (as stated in the work)
Downloaded from Ohio University's TAD Forms and Templates page
Downloaded from Ohio University's TAD Forms and Templates page
%% This file provides a template that can be used in concert with the
%% ohio-etd class to generate an electronic thesis or dissertation which
%% meets the formatting requirements at Ohio University.
%% To use the template, copy this file (template.tex) and ohio-etd.cls into
%% the same directory and edit this template as required. Reference
%% ohio-etd.pdf for additional instructions on using this class.
%% See https://www.ohio.edu/graduate/etd/tad-forms-and-templates for more
%% templates and information.
%% This template was not created by a TAD Services staff member or Sam Foucart
%% Therefore we cannot provide technical assistance as to its use. Please
%% consult a textbook or contact your department for further assistance.
%% Load the class. Available options are: numbered, pdftex, cmfont,
%% singlespacetables, draft, 11pt, 12pt, leqno, and fleqn
%% Other packages that may be of use. Delete or comment out (using a
%% percent sign in the first column) if they are not desired. Reference
%% the corresponding documentation for more information on how to use these
%% packages.
\usepackage[square,sort&compress,numbers]{natbib} % Provides formatting for
% citations
\usepackage{textcomp} % Provides math symbols that can be used in text mode
\usepackage{amssymb} % Provides additional AMS math symbols. Note that
% amsmath is loaded as part of the ohio-etd class
\usepackage{bm} % Provides bold-faced math symbols
\usepackage{booktabs} % Provides improved table formatting
\usepackage{dcolumn} % Provides table columns aligned at decimal points
\usepackage{multirow} % Provides table elements spanning multiple rows
\usepackage{graphicx} % Standard package to incorporate graphics
\usepackage[printonlyused]{acronym} % Provides a method for incorporating
% acronyms and building an acronym list
\graphicspath{{figures/}} % Allows graphics files to be stored in a
% separate directory
%% Required front matter definitions
\degree {MS} % MS, MA, MCTP, or PhD
\graduation{August}{2013} % May, August, or December
\title {A Template for Theses and Dissertations}
\author {First-Name I.}{Last-Name}
\advisor {Advisor's Full Name}{Advisor's Full Title}
\dean {Dean's Full Name}{Dean's Full Title}
\program {Program Name} % e.g. Electrical Engineering
\department{Department of Something} % e.g. School of Electrical Engineering
% and Computer Science
\college {College of Everything} % e.g. Russ College of Engineering and
% Technology
\abstract {Insert your abstract here}
%% Optional front matter definitions. Delete or comment out if not needed
\coadvisor {Coadvisor's Full Name}{Coadvisor's Full Title}
Insert your dedication here.\\ A double backslash can be used to force line breaks if desired.
\acknowledgments{Insert your acknowledgments here or comment out this line.}
%% If you prefer to provide "acknowledgements" instead (note the added "e"
%% between the "g" and the "m") then add the "e" in the macro name so that
%% it reads "\acknowledgements".}
%% Additional "lists" can be added to the end of the front matter using the
%% \addlistof macro. For example:
\addlistof{Symbols}{Insert your list of symbols here or comment out this line.}
%% Note that the command "\input{symbols}" can be used if the symbol list is
%% contained in a separate file called "symbols.tex"}
\addlistof{Acronyms}{Insert your list of acronyms here or comment out this line}
%% Use "\input{acronyms}" if the acronym list is in a separate file called
%% "acronyms.tex". Note that the formatting generated by the acronym package
%% can be forced into singlespaced text by inserting "\setlength\itemsep{0pt}
%% \setlength\parskip{0pt}" into the "acronym" environment.}
%% For documents created by government employees as part of their
%% employment. The wording of the disclaimer can be specified using an
%% option. See the documentation for more information.
% \govtdisclaimer
% \notables % Prevent a list of tables from being created
% \nofigures % Prevent a list of figures from being created
\makefrontmatter % Creates all of the front matter pages.
%% Body of the text follows, using \chapter, \section, \subsection,
%% \subsubsection, \paragraph, and \subparagraph to generate the
%% section headings. For convenience, it may be useful to break the
%% full document into separate files, perhaps divided by chapters. In
%% that case, the files would be loaded here using "\input{filename}"
\chapter{The First Chapter}
\section{An Example Section}
\subsection{This is a subsection}
%% The \references command marks the point where the bibliography will
%% be inserted. In the example below, the BibTeX commands are
%% inserted into the macro definition, but one could also manually
%% enter the bibliography entries if desired.
%ETD does not define a particular required bibliography style.
%They DO require entries to end in a period UNLESS they end in a URL
%or DOI AND that DOIs be set in the same font as everything else.
%I have modified the alphaurl style file, to conform to these requirements.
\appendix % Indicates the transition from chapters to appendices.
% Subsequent
\chapter{An Appendix}
\section{A Section in the Appendix}