MSc thesis template at Politecnico di Torino
Paolo Giaccone
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
This is the template for the MSc theses in the area of Communications Engineering
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\ateneo{Politecnico di Torino}
\corsodilaurea{Communications and Computer Networks Engineering}
\titolo{The title of my MSc thesis.}
\candidato{Your Name \textsc{Your Surname}}
\relatore{Prof.\ Name1 \textsc{Surname1}}
\secondorelatore{Prof.\ Name2 \textsc{Surname2}}
\sedutadilaurea{\textsc{Academic~Year} 202*-202*}
\CorsoDiLaureaIn{Master Degree course in\space}
\TesiDiLaurea{Master Degree Thesis}
\frontespizio % make cover page
Write here you acknowledgments.
Write here your abstract.
In this chapter, you must provide an overview of your thesis, written such that a non-engineer person (one of your parents) should be able to read and understand at high level.
\item what is the addressed scenario and the addressed problem?
\item why the problem you addressed is interesting and/or practical relevant?
\item what is you main contribution?
\item which methodology you used? (theory, simulation, experiments, literature overview)?
\item how the thesis is organized? which topic is covered in each chapter?
In the following the titles of chapters and sections are just examples.
\section{Hints for writing}
\item Use short sentences.
\item Never cut \& paste a sentence from any website or paper. It is a copyright infringement and Politecnico anti-plagiarism system will detect it.
\section{Latex hints}
\subsection{Latex examples}
According to what has been discussed in Sec.~\ref{sec:rel}, the following relation holds:
Consider that~\eqref{eq:1} is contradicting~\cite{ein05}.
With the above example, you have learned how to include math expressions, how to refer to equations, to other sections and to cite a related work.
\subsection{Latex hints}
\item never use \verb|\\ | to go to a new line. Instead leave al least one line empty for a new line. Leave latex to use the proper formatting for the paragraph.
\item use \verb|~| for all cases you need a space that cannot be split across multiple lines. I.e., ``\verb|Sec.~\ref{xxx}|'' and not ``\verb|Sec.~\ref{xxx}|'', or ``\verb|according to~\eqref{xxx}|'' and not ``\verb|according to \eqref{xxx}|''.
To be approved, your thesis must pass a plagiarism check. As a reminder:
\item it is forbidden to copy verbatim one or more sentences from any other external source (web pages, papers, etc.), unless you explicitly grant the source and put the sentence/sentences in ``...''. Your can instead rephrase the whole sentence/sentences.
\item it is forbidden to include an image (diagram or figure) taken from web pages or papers. It is better to redraw. If you really need to include an image from an external source, you must add to the caption ``(Reproduced from~\cite{example})'', citing properly the source.
\chapter{System model}
This chapter should provide all the required information for an engineer who does not know anything about your thesis topic and would like to get the required background to understand your work and contribution
\section{Model description}
\section{Related work}\label{sec:rel}
After having described the system model, you should discuss about the related papers. Each work should be described specifying the scenario, the provided main contributions and you should highlight the similarities and differences with respect to your work in this thesis.
\chapter{My main contribution}\label{sec:cont}
This chapter should be devoted to describe your main contribution, e.g., the algorithms you devised/studied.
\chapter{Experimental/numerical evaluation}
Given the contribution in Chapter~\ref{sec:cont}, you must provide the adopted methodology and the results
Explain in all the details the adopted methodology, in order to make the results reproducible by anyone interested in addressing the same problem.
\section{Numerical results}
Here you will include all the main graphs. Each graph should appear with some explanation. The explanation must explain why the graph is interesting and what we learn from it, and not describing the numerical values you have on it (the reader is not blind and see by himself the numbers). Consider the example of Fig.~\ref{fig:bw}.
\caption{This is the required caption of the graph.}\label{fig:bw}
Some basic hints:
\item both x and y axes should be properly labeled. Units of measurements must be {\em always} reported!
\item if the curve are experimental or by simulation, remember to report always all the points in addition to the line connecting them
Here you must summarize completely your work. You do not need anymore to motivate your topic, but just report in short what you have done and the main results.
If you wish, you can also add the possible direction for future works, extending your thesis work.