Abdullah Arif
Last Updated
Other (as stated in the work)
A one-page, single-column fork of Deedy, customized to look like Jake's resume.
% Convenience command - make it easy to fill template
% Create job position command. Parameters: company, position, location, when
\newcommand{\resumeHeading}[4]{\runsubsection{\uppercase{#1}}\descript{ | #2}\hfill\location{#3 | #4}\fakeNewLine}
% Create education heading. Parameters: Name, degree, location, when
\newcommand{\educationHeading}[4]{\runsubsection{#1}\hspace*{\fill} \location{#3 | #4}\\
% Create project heading. Parameters: Name, link, Tech stack
\descript{#3 | #4}\\}
% Parameters: courses
\newcommand{\courseWork}[1]{\textbf{Coursework:} #1}
% Parameters: courses
\newcommand{\teacherAssistant}[1]{\textbf{Teacher Assistant (TA):} #1}
% Profile
\newcommand{\yourName}{First Last}
% How you want it to show up on the resume
% vs how you want it to show up. If it's the same you can just replace "\yourWebsiteLink" with "yourWebsite"
% An alternate profile section
% \alignProfileTable
% \begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{l@{\extracolsep{\fill}}r}
% \ralewayBold{\href{\yourWebsiteLink}{\Large \yourName}} &
% Email : \href{mailto:\yourEmail}{\yourEmail}
% \\
% \href{\githubUserName}{GitHub://\githubUserName} &
% Mobile : \yourPhone
% \\
% \href{\linkedInUserName}{LinkedIn://\linkedInUserName} & Website : \href{\yourWebsiteLink}{\yourWebsite}
% \\
% \end{tabular*}
\Huge \scshape \latoRegular{\yourName} \\ \vspace{1pt}
\small \href{mailto:\yourEmail}{\underline{\yourEmail}} $|$ \yourPhone $|$
\href{\linkedInUserName}{\underline{linkedIn/\linkedInUserName}} $|$
% $|$ \href{\yourWebsiteLink}{\underline{\yourWebsite}}
% Education
% Put school first and degree second if your school is reputable
\educationHeading{BSc. Honours Computer Science With Software Engineering Specialization}{University of Windsor}{Windsor, ON}{Jun 2021}
\teacherAssistant{World Wide Web Information Systems Development}
% \courseWork{Data Structures and Algorithms; Operating Systems; Computer Security; Software Testing; Advanced Networking; Big Data Analytics}
% Experience
\section{Work Experience}
\resumeHeading{Amazon}{Software Development Engineer Intern}{Toronto, ON}{May 2020 – Aug 2020}
\item Designed and implemented a dashboard using \textbf{React} and \textbf{TypeScript} to visualize data stored in \textbf{DynamoDB}, decreasing time to understand delivery driver work sessions by over 10 times.
% \item Here is another bullet that I might choose to uncomment for some jobs
\item Ensured only authorized employees have access to the application by creating an \textbf{AWS Lambda@Edge} function to intercept and sign valid requests.
\item Devised and deployed the infrastructure in TypeScript through \textbf{AWS CDK}, then created efficient algorithms to process data from a custom \textbf{REST API}, so it could scale to handle millions of deliveries.
\item Setup a CI/CD pipeline and exceeded requirements in each stage, which lead to the application being pushed to production.
\resumeHeading{University of Windsor}{Research Assistant (RA)}{Windsor, ON}{Feb 2020 - May 2020}
\item Developed a Personal Health Record (PHR) system in \textbf{\href{}{Spring}} based on the theoretical model outlined in \underlinedLink{}{Mitu Kumar's thesis}.
\item Applied the \href{\_23}{mCP-ABE} encryption scheme using the \href{}{JPBC} library, so patients have fine-grained access control over their health records with the ability to instantly revoke access.
\resumeHeading{JoaTu}{Software Engineer Intern}{Montreal, QC}{Dec 2018 – May 2019}
\item Rewrote legacy \textbf{Django code} in \textbf{Ruby in Rails} and refactored it to make the system more extensible.
\item Created \textbf{UML} diagrams and documented where features were implemented, to make the codebase more maintainable.
% Projects
\projectHeading{Automated Spear-Phisher}{}{Python, PySpark, Selenium, Apache, NLP, Big Data}
A security research tool to send targeted spam messages on either Facebook or Twitter. The program analyzes the feed of its target to increase the effectiveness of the messages.\\
\projectHeading{Image Repository}{\_repository}{Java, PHP, React, TypeScript, Maven, GCP, MySQL}
A full-stack image repository, where users can store their files. Created a GCP cloud function to implement \href{}{CP-ABE} encryption and used it to ensure files are secure at rest.\\
\projectHeading{Biometric Dynamic Keystroke Spoofer}{}{Python, Object-Oriented Design, CyberSecurity}
A program that authenticates users based on their typing patterns. And a spoofer that uses the genetic algorithm to mimic the user's typing pattern.
\projectHeading{Distributed Key-Value store}{}{Java, Distributed System, Computer Networks, Concurrency}
A distributed key-value store which automatically replicates data in the background while the user manages their data. Implemented a custom P2P protocol to maximize fault tolerance and scalability.\\
\projectHeading{War of Weebles}{}{C\#, Unity, Concurrency, Artificial Intelligence}
A capture-the-flag-styled shooting game composed of AI-controlled players. The agents change their goals based on various factors, such as their health, current weapon, their personality and what they see.\\
% Example using bullets and dates
% \projectHeadingWithDate{Hogwart\textquotesingle{}s Library Management System}{}{PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MySQL}{Aug 2019}
% \begin{bullets}
% \item A full-stack library management system, where users can manage books and holds on their accounts. Users can search the library\textquotesingle{}s catalogue, which has every book mentioned in the Harry Potter series. The system distinguishes between 4 users. For examples, librarians who can also check or return books on behalf of users.\\
% \end{bullets}
% \sectionsep
% Skills
\singleItem{Languages:}{Java, C++, Python, C\#, PHP, Prolog, Bash, C, Racket, SQL}
\singleItem{Web Development:}{React, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS}
\singleItem{Technology:}{Git, AWS, GCP, Azure, Docker, Unity, Apache, \LaTeX, MongoDB, DynamoDB, Neo4j}
% A more concise alternate
% \begin{skillList}
% \doubleItem{Languages:}{Java, C++, Python, C\#, PHP, Prolog, Bash, C, Racket}%
% {Databases:}{SQL, MongoDB, Neo4j, DynamoDB}
% \\
% \doubleItem{Web Development:}{JavaScript, TypeScript, React, HTML/CSS}
% {Technology:}{Git, AWS, GCP, Azure, Docker, \LaTeX}%
% \end{skillList}