Mines Beamer Conference Template
Michael Le
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Feel free to edit it as needed. Not official or licensed by the Colorado School of Mines
\title{My Fancy Presentation Title}
\subtitle{Conference Name}
\author[Michael Le]{Michael Le \and Other Author}
\date{\today} % or whatever the date you are presenting in is
\institute[Colorado School of Mines]{Department of Electrical Engineering}
% \copyrightnotice{Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission}
\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
\item Use
\item Figures,
\item Do
\item Not
\item Use
\item Bullet
\item Points
\begin{frame}{Use meaningful titles that actually provide information}
\caption{Fancy Thing from \textit{Source et al.}}
\item Some
\item Interesting
\item Points
\section{A Section}
\begin{frame}{Make your presentation interactive}
\begin{cublock}[What about a question to the audience?]
\only<2->{Followed by the answer.}
% Q&A
\Huge\textsc{Thank You}
\begin{frame}{Backup slides go here}