Microservices Conference Abstracts
Stefano Forti, Jacopo Soldani
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for preparing abstract for the Microservice Conference, organized by the Microservices Community
Template for preparing abstract for the Microservice Conference, organized by the Microservices Community
\title{Title of the Submission}
\author{First Author$^1$ \and Second Author$^{1,2}$ \and Third Author$^2$}
$^1$ First Affiliation, First City, First Country \\
$^2$ Second Affiliation, Second City, Second Country
\abstract{This is an example of abstract for a submission. It should be replaced by an abstract concisely describing the submission's content.}
This template has been created by the Microservices Community \cite{MicroservicesCommunity}, with the aim of templating contributions for the \textit{International Conference on Microservices}.
It can be loaded in a \LaTeX{} document by setting
in the document preamble.
We hereby illustrate an example of filled template, to also provide guidelines on how to fill it.
\section{Title Page}
The title page is automatically generated by the initial \verb|\maketitle| command. For the command to work, please provide the following information in the preamble of the main \LaTeX{} file:
\item \verb|\year| to set the conference year (displayed in the box at the top), e.g., to \verb|2023| as shown in the current example,
\item \verb|\title| to set the title of the contribution,
\item \verb|\author| to list the names of the authors of the contribution, separated by \verb|\and|,
\item \verb|\affiliation| to provide the affiliation of listed authors, and
\item \verb|\correspondence| to provide an email address for correspondence on the contribution.
Please use Math apexes (like, e.g., \verb|$^1$| and \verb|$^2$|) to associate authors to affiliations, in the cases when different authors have different affiliations.
The \verb|\maketitle| command should then be followed by the \verb|\abstract| command, to which the submission abstract should be provided as parameter. For instance, the command
\verb|\abstract{This is an example of abstract}|
will set the abstract to \enquote{This is an example of abstract}.
\section{Using \LaTeX{} Environments}
This section illustrates how to use \LaTeX{} environments, from subsections and paragraphs, to figures, tables, and formulas.
\subsection{Examples of Figures and Tables}
This is an example of subsection, in which we provide examples of usage of \LaTeX{} environments.
Figures and tables can actually be included with the classical \texttt{figure} and \texttt{table} environments.
An example of figure is given in \Cref{fig:example}, whereas an example of table is given in \Cref{tab:example}.
\caption{Example of figure.}
& \textbf{1st column} & \textbf{2nd column} & \textbf{3rd column} & \textbf{4th column} & \textbf{5th column} \\
\textbf{1st Row} & Content & Content & Content & Content & Content \\
\textbf{2nd Row} & Content & Content & Content & Content & Content \\
\textbf{3rd Row} & Content & Content & Content & Content & Content \\
\caption{Example of table.}
\subsection{Examples of Formulas}
This is another example of subsection, in which we provide examples of paragraphs with formulas.
\paragraph{Adding Formulas}
A formula can be added with classical \LaTeX{} \enquote{math} environments, like in the following quite popular example:
$$ e = mc^2 $$
Formulas can be even more complex, like using \texttt{array}s as shown hereafter:
a & b & c \\ d & e & f \\ g & h & i
a & b & c \\
d & e & f \\
g & h & i
That's it. Please suitably fill the template and send your contribution to the upcoming edition of the \textit{International Conference on Microservices}! \Smiley