%LaTeX document template for MDMM2025 abstract
%Modeling and Design of Molecular Materials 2025
%September 7-11, 2025, Wroclaw, Poland
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}
\geometry{a4paper, total={170mm,247mm}}
% Title
{\large \bf Title of Your MDMM2025 Contribution}
% Authors
{\underline{First (presenting) Author},$^{*,1}$
Second Author,$^2$ \dots
% Affiliations
$^1$Department, Institution, Address
$^2$Department, Institution, Address
% Email address of the corresponding author
$^*$e-mail address of the corresponding author
%Body of the abstract
This document provides guidelines for formatting your abstract for the MDMM2025 contribution. Please follow the specified structure to maintain consistency across all submissions. Do not alter the margins or layout to ensure uniformity. The abstract must not exceed one page.
Please use single-spaced text in Times New Roman, 12 pt font. The title should be in bold, and affiliations in italics. The presenting author's name must be underlined. Provide the~corresponding author’s email immediately after the affiliations, marking them with an~asterisk.
You may include figures (PDF, EPS, PNG, TIFF) and equations. Ensure figures are large enough for all details to be clearly visible. References should be listed in the order they appear in the text, following the ACS citation style~\cite{ref1} without titles and using square brackets for reference numbers~\cite{ref2}. Avoid separate bibliography files or MS Office tools for automatic numbering.
This file can be used directly as a template for your abstract. Submit your abstract electronically as a \LaTeX{} file (preferred) or a DOCX file (MS Word/OpenOffice). Use the conference website’s submission form before June 16, 2025. Multiple source files (e.g., \LaTeX{} and figures) should be compressed into a single archive (TAR or ZIP). You are also encouraged to upload a~final PDF version.
For questions, visit the submission portal or contact the organizing committee.
{\bf Acknowledgements.} Support from individuals or organizations contributing to the project can be acknowledged here.
\bibitem{ref1} Author1; Author2 \emph{Journal abbreviated title} \textbf{Year}, \emph{Volume}, Pages.
\bibitem{ref2} Carter, P.; Wells J.~A. \emph{Science} \textbf{1987}, \emph{237}, 394--399.