Math 351 templates
Junyi Zhang
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Template for Math 351
Template for Math 351
%description: Math 290 HW Template
%%%%% Beginning of preamble %%%%%
\documentclass[12pt]{article} %What kind of document (article) and what size
%Packages to load which give you useful commands
\usepackage{amssymb, amsmath, amsthm}
%Sets the margins
\textwidth = 7 in
\textheight = 9.5 in
\oddsidemargin = -0.3 in
\evensidemargin = -0.3 in
\topmargin = -0.4 in
\headheight = 0.0 in
\headsep = 0.0 in
\parskip = 0.2in
\parindent = 0.0in
%defines a few theorem-type environments
%%%%% End of preamble %%%%%
%Identification, Change as necessary!
{\Large Your name} \hfill
{\large Math 351, Section 2, 10:00} %Delete one
\hfill \today
I worked with:
\item \textbf{Problem number} State problem
Here's the proof!
\item \textbf{Problem number} State problem
Here's the proof!
\item \textbf{Problem number} This is for a problem that has multiple parts
\item This is a part.
\item This is another part.
\begin{proof}%[different name] %%% remove the first % and modify to change the name from 'proof'
Write your answer here.
%%copy and paste the above if you need more questions and answers.