% Master thesis template for Ghent University (2021)
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% !! For overleaf: !!
% !! 1. click gear icon in top right !!
% !! 2. select `XeLaTex` in "latex engine" !!
% !! 3. click "save project settings" !!
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% History
% 2014 Doctoral Thesis of Bruno Volckaert
% 2017 Adapted to master thesis by Jerico Moeyersons
% 2018 Cleanup by Merlijn Sebrechts
% 2021 Update by Marleen Denert and Merlijn Sebrechts with feedback from Leen Pollefliet
% 2022, 2023 Updates by Merlijn Sebrechts
% Latest version
% https://github.com/galgalesh/masterproef-template
% Note: remove `openany` for printed version
% By default, LaTeX tries to stretch whitespace between paragraphs on a page in order to reduce whitespace at the end of the page. This sometimes gives ugly results. The following command disables that stretching.
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\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} % stretch horizontal space between everything by 20%
\usepackage[hyphens]{url} % Break line on hyphens in long urls
% Don't indent table of contents, list of figures, and list of tables
\setlength{\cftsecindent}{0pt} % Remove indent for \section in Table of Contents
\setlength{\cftsubsecindent}{0pt} % Remove indent for \subsection in Table of Contents
\setlength{\cftfigindent}{0pt} % remove indentation from figures in List of Figures
\setlength{\cfttabindent}{0pt} % remove indentation from tables in List of Tables
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% To generate fake lorem ipsum text
% UGent style guide
BoldFont =UGentPannoText-SemiBold.ttf,
ItalicFont =UGentPannoText-Normal.ttf,
\urlstyle{same} % Also use the default font for URLs
% If you want left justified text, uncomment the line below.
%\usepackage[document]{ragged2e} % Left justify all text
% Style Chapter titles so they have the chapter number in grey.
\usepackage[explicit, pagestyles]{titlesec}
\titleformat{\chapter}[display]{\bfseries}{\color{chaptergrey}\fontfamily{lmr}\fontsize{80pt}{100pt}\selectfont\thechapter}{0pt}{\Huge #1}
% Header showing chapter number and title and footer showing page number
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{} % center
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{} %right
% Header showing chapter title and footer showing page number
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{} % center
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% We use the package `minted` for modern code highlighting.
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\SetupFloatingEnvironment{listing}{name=Code Fragment, listname=List of Code Fragments} % lang:english
\usemintedstyle{pastie} % for other highlighting color schemes, see https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Code_Highlighting_with_minted#Reference_guide
\usepackage[numbers]{natbib} % For bibliography; use numeric citations
\usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} % Put Bibliography in ToC
% Defines \checkmark to draw a checkmark
\def\checkmark{\tikz\fill[scale=0.4](0,.35) -- (.25,0) -- (1,.7) -- (.25,.15) -- cycle;}
% For tables
\usepackage{ragged2e} % for '\RaggedRight' macro (allows hyphenation)
% Support for splitting Dutch words correctly
%\setdefaultlanguage[babelshorthands=true]{dutch} % lang:dutch
\setmainlanguage{english} % lang:english
% Manually specify additional hypnations for words
% Translated strings. If these aren't set, the English words are used.
% \addto\captionsenglish{\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Inhoudsopgave}} % lang:dutch
% Fix error "Package hyperref Warning: The anchor of a bookmark and its parent's must not be the same. Added a new anchor on ..."
% \renewcommand\appendixtocname{Bijlagen} % lang:dutch
% \renewcommand\appendixpagename{Bijlagen} % lang:dutch
\usepackage[toc,acronym]{glossaries} % for list of acronyms
\makeglossaries % start internal list of acronyms
% Set the title and your name
% The actual latex document content starts here.
% Download the cover sheet from Plato
% Include the main chapters of the thesis below
% Note: it's best to avoid spaces in filenames as Latex might complain about them.
\pagestyle{fancy} % Use header