Brandon Rajkumar
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Thesis template provided my MASS project office including title page require by the University of Rome (Tor Vergata)
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\author{Brandon Rajkumar}
\large{MACROAREA/FACOLTÀ DI (Macroarea o Facoltà di appartenenza)}\par
\vspace{1cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
\vspace{1cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
\large{CORSO DI STUDIO IN}\par
\large{(Corso di studio di appartenenza)}\par
\vspace{1cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
\large{TESI DI LAUREA IN}\par
\large{(Materia di laurea)}\par
\vspace{1cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
\large{(Titolo della Tesi)}\par
\vspace{2cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
\textbf{Relatore (o Relatrice):} & \textbf{Laureando (o Laureanda)}: \\ Prof. (o Prof.ssa) & matricola: numero di matricola \\
Nome e Cognome & Nome e Cognome \\
~ & ~ \\
\textbf{Correlatore (o Correlatrice)}: & ~ \\
\textbf{[Relatore (o Relatrice)]:} & ~ \\ Prof. (o Prof.ssa) & ~ \\
Nome e Cognome & ~ \\
\vspace{2cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
\normalsize{Anno Accademico 20XX/20XY}
\vspace{1cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
\large\textbf{Erasmus Mundus Master}\par
\large\textbf{in Astrophysics and Space Science}\par
\vspace{1cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
\large\textbf{Master Thesis}\par
\vspace{2cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
\Large\textbf{This is the title of a superb thesis on astrophysics and space science}\par
% \Large\textbf{Subtitle}\par %subtitle if need
\vspace{2cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
Supervisors & Author \\
~ & ~ \\
Prof. Albert Einstein & Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin \\
Physics Dept., University of … & ~ \\
~ & ~ \\
Prof. Vera Florence Cooper Rubin & ~ \\
Astronomy Dept., University of … & ~ \\
\vspace{2cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
\normalsize{Academic Year 202X/202X}
\vspace{1cm} % Adjust the vertical space as needed
This Master thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree $<$name of degree (please insert the title adopted by the
university from which the candidate graduates)$>$ as part of a multiple
degree awarded in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master
in Astrophysics and Space Science $--$ MASS jointly delivered by a Consortium of four Universities: Tor Vergata University of Rome, University
of Belgrade, University of Bremen, and Université Cote d'Azur,
regulated by the MASS Consortium Agreement and funded by the EU
under the call ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PEX-EMJM-MOB.