Maastricht University Beamer Theme
Ziyue Zhu
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Unofficial Maastricht University beamer theme based on the Microsoft Powerpoint template.
Unofficial Maastricht University beamer theme based on the Microsoft Powerpoint template.
\documentclass[pdfpagelabels=false, usepdftitle=false]{beamer}
\usetheme[navigation, sectiontitles]{UM}
% ----------------------
% title page information
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\title[Short Title]{Maastricht University Beamer Theme}
\subtitle{This is a subtitle}
\author[Me, other]{
My name \inst{1} \& Another Author \inst{2}
\inst{1} ROA, Maastricht University \\
\inst{2} SBE, Maastricht University
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% begin of presentation
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\UMtitleframe % note that we *do not* use \titlepage
% ----Frame------------
% ----Frame------------
\section{Looks of environments}
\subsection{Looks of list environments}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Looks of list environments}
\item Important point
\item Not really an important point, but let's pretend it is
\arrowitem Command \verb+\arrowitem+ is a shortcut for
\item Breathe in
\item Breathe out
\item[UM Beamer theme] looks simple and nice
% ----Frame------------
\subsection{Looks of block environments}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Looks of block environments}
\begin{block}{Making things stand out}
This is an example of citation \cite{sample}.
Official UM colors are available, see the next slide
% ----Frame------------
The UM Beamer theme defines the following official Maastricht University colors:
RGB 0,28,61
\textcolor{UMlightblue}{\code{UMlightblue}}: RGB 0,162,219
\textcolor{UMred}{\code{UMred}}: RGB 174,11,18
\textcolor{UMorange}{\code{UMorgange}}: RGB 243,148,37
\textcolor{UMorangered}{\code{UMorgangered}}: RGB 232,78,16
\arrowitem Command \verb+\alert()+ uses \alert{\code{UMred}} for
% ----Frame------------
\section{Using the theme}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Using the theme}
\arrowitem Include \verb+\usetheme{UM}+ in the preamble
\arrowitem Use \verb+\UMtitleframe+ to generate the title page
\alert{Theme options}:
\item \verb+navigation+: Display a navigation bar on the left hand side
\item \verb+sectiontitles+: Display a slide with the section title at the
start of each section
\alert{Example}: \verb+\usetheme[navigation, sectiontitles]{UM}+
% ----Frame------------
\section{Customized Commands}
\subsection{Commands for mathematical notation}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Commands for mathematical notation}
For mathematical notation inside math environments, the following commands are
\item \verb+\mat{}+: For formatting matrices, e.g., $\mat{X}$
\item \verb+\vect{}+: For formatting vectors, e.g., $\vect{x}$
\item \verb+\obs{}+: For formatting observations, e.g., $\obs{x}$
% ----Frame------------
\subsection{Other Commands}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{Other commands provided by the theme}
For writing about software, the following commands are available:
\item \verb+\proglang{}+: For highlighting programming languages, e.g.,
\proglang{R} \\
{\small (has no effect if you already use a sans serif font)}
\item \verb+\pkg{}+: For highlighting software packages, e.g., \pkg{robmed}
\item \verb+\code{}+: For highlighting functions, e.g.,
\arrowitem Special characters currently need to be escaped within those
commands, e.g., \verb+\_+ for underscores
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