Henri De Plaen
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Unofficial template for KU Leuven documents. It can be used for a Master of PhD thesis, or for course notes and exercise sessions.
% \usepackage[dutch]{babel}
\usepackage[accsupp]{axessibility} % improves PDF readability for those with disabilities.
%% TITLE PAGE OPTIONS (only works with \maketitle is called in the document)
\title{The KULTEM Style}
\subtitle{Example and Short Manual}
\author{Henri De Plaen}
\professor{Prof. Nomen Nescio}
\kulbox{{\bf Note:} This is a nice box where you can put a lot of information concerning the following chapter. How much pages are required for an assignment for example, or an important change of notation.}
\section{Some questions}
As an example, we will consider the equation of the Duffing oscillator
\ddot{x}+k\dot{x}+x^3=B\cos t,
with $k=0.1$ and $B=11$ and answer the following questions
\question Can you show that the model exhibits a chaotic regime?
\task By performing a qualitative analysis of a simulation?
\task By computing the Lyapunov exponents of the system?
\question What is the dimension of the system?
\question Simulate the model for another choice of parameters. What do you observe?
\section{A Wild Figure Appears!}
\lipsum[3] This can be seen at figure~\ref{fig:example}.
\caption{The castle of Arenberg in Heverlee, with windows corrected.}
\chapter{Short Manual}
We now present some commands that you can use. If you experience any bugs, don't hesitate to report them on the corresponding repository: \url{https://github.com/hdeplaen/kultem}. If you can fix the bug or just want to improve the work and add a new functionality, don't hesitate to contribute with a push request.
To use the package, it suffices to include \verb|\usepackage[<options>]{kultem}|. The package admits the following option
\item \verb|sedes|: prints the \emph{Sedes Sapientiae} of the university as watermark on the title page.
\section{Title Page}
The available title options are (from top to bottom):
\item \verb|\title{<text>}|: the title of the document;
\item \verb|\subtitle{<text>}|: the subtitle of the document (may be omited);
\item \verb|\author{<text>}|: the author of the document;
\item \verb|\promoter{<text>}|: the promoter (singular);
\item \verb|\promoters{<text>}|: the promoters (plural, seperate the names with a comma or a \verb|\\| if you want them to be written on different lines);
\item \verb|supercom{<text>}|: supervisory commitee (singular and plural undifferentiated);
\item \verb|jury{<text>}|: jury (singular and plural undifferentiated);
\item \verb|assessors{<text>}|: assessors (plural, we did not consider the singular option);
\item \verb|professor{<text>}|: professor (singular);
\item \verb|professors{<text>}|: professors (plural, seperate the names with a comma or a \verb|\\| if you want them to be written on different lines);
\item \verb|assistant{<text>}|: assistant (singular);
\item \verb|assistants{<text>}|: assistants (seperate the names with a comma or a \verb|\\| if you want them to be written on different lines);
\item \verb|\date{<text>}|: the date (one may consider the command \verb|\today| for an automatic filling).
\item \verb|\coverimage{<path_to_image>}|: this prints an image on the cover (to avoid a heavy looking title page, we do not recommend to combine it with the package option \verb|sedes| or the command \verb|\coversvg| and \verb|coverinput|);
\item \verb|\coversvg{<path_to_svg>}|: similar to the previous option, but prints an svg on the cover instead of an image (to avoid a heavy looking title page, we do not recommend to combine it with the package option \verb|sedes| or the command \verb|\coverimage| and \verb|coverinput|);
\item \verb|\converinput{<path_to_file>}|: similar to the previous option, but allows to directly input a block of code instead of an image, \emph{e.g.} a TikZ picture (to avoid a heavy looking title page, we do not recommend to combine it with the package option \verb|sedes| or the command \verb|\coverimage| and \verb|\coversvg|).
\section{Questions and Tasks}
These are two variants of the \verb|enumerate| environment. The can be called apart from each other as in what follows or nested like in the beginning example.
\item What is on your bucket list?
\item What are you most thankful for?
\item What are you most afraid of?
\item What are you most passionate about?
\item What is on your bucket list?
\item What are you most thankful for?
\item What are you most afraid of?
\item What are you most passionate about?
\item Correct the \verb|bindingoffset| option;
\item Implement an image command for the title page.
\item Correct the \verb|bindingoffset| option;
\item Implement an image command for the title page.
The \verb|kulbox[<margin>]{<text>}| command allows you to create a nice blue box containing some text. The default margin is equal to 3pt and we do not advise on changing it and just omit it to use the default value:
\kulbox{This is a nice kulbox omiting the margin option.}
\kulbox{This is a nice kulbox omiting the margin option.}
In case you would however really want to change it, you can specify your custom margin:
\kulbox[0pt]{This is an ugly cramped kulbox with no margin.}
\kulbox[0pt]{This is an ugly cramped kulbox with no margin.}
\kulbox[10pt]{This is an extravagant bulky kulbox with a huge margin.}
\kulbox[10pt]{This is an extravagant bulky kulbox with a huge margin.}
This adds a default binding offset as in the \verb|geometry| package, with a fixed value of 12mm. You can call it with \verb|\usepackage[bindingoffset]{kultem}|. \textbf{Warning:} the headers are for the moment not compatible with this option and will remain unchanged.