Ayeh Mahjoubi
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%% Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Stefan Berthold <stefan.berthold@kau.se>
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%% kauthesis.dtx
%% Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Stefan Berthold <stefan.berthold@kau.se>
\usepackage[sectionbib, numbers]{natbib}
\title{Thesis Title}
\author{Author Name}
\institute{Department of Mathematics and Computer Science}
Brief abstract.
\keywords keywords
\subsection*{Other Publications}
\item \textbf{your name}. type of publication, date.
% [\vanityquote{%
% Words are a great way to argue.}{%
% Mephistopheles\\--- Faust. The tragedy part one. (1808)\\
% Johann Wolfgang von Goethe}%
% ]%
%More information can find~\cite{help}
\rehead{Introductory Summary}
\lohead{Thesis Title}
\section{Background and Related Work}
\section{Research Questions}
\item[Why?] A good reason for ``why?'' being important.
\section{Research Methods}
\item[Brief description.] What makes this contribution novel?
\section{Summary of Appended Papers}
\section{Conclusions and Future Work}
%% End of file `kaucollectiontemplate.tex'.