IISER Mohali Thesis Poster Template
Rudranil Roy, Mayukh Chakrabarty
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template for poster presentation at IISER Mohali
A template for poster presentation at IISER Mohali
% compile if you want a poster in portrait orientation
\documentclass[25pt, a0paper,portrait]{tikzposter} %orientation options: portrait, landscape
\title{Thesis Title}
\author{[Full Name] ([Registration Number]) \\
Supervisor: [Supervisor], [Co-supervisor]}
\date{November 2021}
\institute{Department of [Department Name], IISER Mohali}
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric, sorting=none, locallabelwidth]{biblatex}
\usetheme{Rays} % Options: Default, Simple, Basic, Rays, Wave, Envelope, Board, Autumn, Desert
%import necessary packages
\node[anchor=west, xshift = -1 cm ] at (TP@title.west) {\includegraphics[width=10cm]{iiser_logo.png}}; %left logo, comment out if unnecessary
\node[anchor=east, xshift = 1 cm] at (TP@title.east) {\includegraphics[width=10cm]{iiser_logo.png}}; %right logo, comment out if unnecessary
\column{0.6}%set width of first column
\block{1. Introduction}{
\block{3. Key Results}{
\block{5. Future Work}{
\column{0.4}%set width of second column
\block{2. Method}{
\block{4. Examples}
\int \Vec{F}.d\Vec{q}=-U
\block{6. Plots}{
%if necessary, add more columns, adjusting the widths
%more columns may be necessary in landscape mode