FYS2160 - Fall 2020 - Report template
Vidar Skogvoll
Last Updated:
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
A template to be used in FYS2160 at UiO.
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% For instructions,
\documentclass[ reprint, amsmath,amssymb, aps]{revtex4-2}
%Uncomment this if you want to write in Norwegian
\usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files
\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}% bold math
\usepackage{hyperref}% add hypertext capabilities
\title{Report template for FYS2160}
%In a multipart project you may find a title that covers the common aspects of what you present
\author{Your name}
In the abstract, we want you to briefly explain, in your words, the objective of the project, how you performed it and the most important results.
Explain in your words the background for the project and how this relates to the objective. Try to relate the project to other phenomena that are common knowledge or that you have obtained during your studies. The introduction is a good place to present equations that are central to the topic. All equations should be pre-
sented in the text and all symbols explained.
\section{Results and discussion}
This is where you present tasks on model development and analytical and numerical calculations.
Results from simulation and experiments are presented.
Analysis of experimental or simulation data (your own or given in the assignment) should be discussed in the context of the introductory text and theory.
This is an example of an equation in latex
\oint \vec f \cdot d\vec l = 2\pi s_n
If an equation is of great importance, you can tag it and reference it, Eq. (\ref{eq:important_equation}), as follows
I=2m\sqrt{\frac{2}{3} A^3}.
This is how you create and reference images ,Fig. (\ref{fig:happy_water_droplet}), in latex,.
\caption{A happy water droplet.}
This is how you create and reference, Tab. (\ref{tab:important_table}), important tables in latex.
%cc= 2 columns, both centered.
%lc = 2 columns, first left-justified, second centered
%lll = 3 columns, all left-justified etc.
Category 1 & Category 2 \\
I am & inevitable $2\sqrt{3}$ \\
I am & Ironman $\pi$ \\
\caption{An important table.}
Describe all experimental equipment and software that was used to produce the data
and graphs in the report.
At the end of the document, you should have a list of references you cited \cite{schroeder_daniel_thermal_physics} in the text.
A short conclusion where you summarize your results.
\section{Requested problems}
Short tasks, unrelated to the overall theme of the project (to test your ability to perform specific calculations and problem solving) can be presented separately here.
A good way to structure your work flow is to first answer all questions in this appendix section, and then lift your perspective and write the general story of the report.
\subsection{Problems in the lab text}
\subsection{Problems in the molecular dynamics text}
\section{Supplementary information}
Lengthy calculations and details and documentation of methods can be supplied here to make the main text of the report more readable. Make sure to refer to the supplementary information in the main text where
\section{Details that matter}
\item All symbols must be defined in the text
\item All equations, figures and tables must be described in the text.
\item All figures and tables must have explanatory captions.
\item All figures must use fonts and symbols that are large enough to be legible (minimum 9pt fonts).
\item All numbers should be given with the significant digits only.
\item All but dimensionless numbers must be given with the right units.