%This template was originally designed and developed Lim Lian Tze of USM in 2014.
% A major modification was made by Nor Hafeizah Hassan and Gede Pramudya.
% Later modified further by Ahmad Sadhiqin Mohd Isira on Dec 2020.
% This is the "main" file for the thesis, formatted according to the Guide to the Preparation, Submission and Examination of Thesis, published by FKEKK UTeM for undergraduate students.
% Example of packages used
\usepackage{cite}%citation with bibitem or bibtex
%list of abbreviations
{\begin{longtable}[l]{p{2cm}p{\hsize}}}% <-- change the value here
\newacronym{ny}{NY}{New York}
\newacronym{la}{LA}{Los Angeles}
\newacronym{un}{UN}{United Nations}
\newacronym{utem}{UTEM}{Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka}
\newacronym{fkekk}{FKEKK}{Fakulti Kejuruteraan Elektronik dan Kejuruteraan Komputer}
\newacronym{mas}{MAS}{Multi-agents System}
\newacronym{kba}{KBA}{Kedudukan Baik Anugerah}
\newacronym{jkpsm}{JKPSM}{Final Year Project Committee}
\newacronym{fyp}{FYP}{Final Year Project}
\newacronym{beng}{BENG}{Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours}
\newacronym{benr}{BENR}{Bachelor of Computer Engineering with Honours}
\newacronym{pc}{PC}{Personal Computer}
% nomenclature/symbols for List of Symbols
name = $a$ ,
description = The number of angels per unit area,
name = $N$ ,
description = The number of angels per needle point
name = $A$ ,
description = The area of the needle point
name = $\mathcal{L}$ ,
description = The Laplacian matrix
% Particulars about your thesis are here
% Your Name
% English title of your thesis
% Malay title of your thesis
% Year submitted
% Month submitted
% Choose only 1 degree type
\degreetype{Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours}
% Options for generating hyperlinks when using pdfLaTeX - with link, color is nil, underline is nil
% Also a TOC without dotted lines
\fancyhf{} %Clears the header/footer
\fancyfoot{% Footer
\makebox[\textwidth][r]{% Right
\rlap{\hspace{.75cm}% Push out of margin by \footskip
\smash{% Remove vertical height
\raisebox{4.87in}{% Raise vertically
\rotatebox{90}{\thepage}}}}}}% Rotate counter-clockwise
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% No header rule
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}% No footer rule
% You can choose from several bibliography styles. It is agreed to use Harvard.
% One of the Harvard styles which is close the the Guide is dcu
%\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\hfill{\protect\bfseries PAGE}\\}
%\addtocontents{lof}{\protect{\protect\bfseries FIGURE}\hfill{\protect\bfseries TITLE}\hfill{\protect\bfseries PAGE}\\}
%\addtocontents{lot}{\protect{\protect\bfseries TABLE}\hfill{\protect\bfseries TITLE}\hfill{\protect\bfseries PAGE}\\}
%\addtocontents{lop}{\protect\hfill{\protect\bfseries PAGE}\\}
% Inserts the cover page (the hard cover with gold-lettering) and the title page.
% Inserts a "Front Matter" bookmark if using pdfLaTeX
\pdfbookmark[-1]{Front Matter}{front}
% include declaration, approval, dedication, english abstract, Malay abstrak, and acknowledgement
\setcounter{page}{0} %not included at page numbering
\setcounter{page}{0} %not included at page numbering
%page numbering starts from here
\renewcommand\contentsname{Table of Contents}
\newcommand\tocheading{\par\bigskip\MakeUppercase{\chaptername}\hfill Page\par}
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{List of Figures}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{List of Tables}
\tableofcontents \clearpage
\listoftables \clearpage
\listoffigures \clearpage
%\listofplates \clearpage
\include{chapters/appendiceslist}%alter your appendices list in appendiceslist.tex in chapter folder
% List of abreviation, accronyms, symbols, and own-publications
%Include the List of (own) Publications. Each item can not be cited, according
%to the convention addopted by UTeM and talk between me and TD PPS. So it
%should be created manually (at the moment by using 'dumb' idea)
% --------------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{singlespace}
% \include{lop} %under construction
% %\include{loptrial}
% \end{singlespace}
% Paragraph spacing
% paragraph indentation
\pdfbookmark[-1]{Main Chapters}{main}
% The actual chapters of your thesis as listed in mainchaps.tex. Make sure you
% have the relevant chapter files.
% include the bibliography which is titled as "References"
%one page of blank with title "APPENDICES"
%\thispagestyle{empty} %no page number
% {\Huge\bfseries APPENDICES}