%%% Set margins, indents, and linespread %%%
\usepackage[left=30mm, right=15mm, top=20mm, bottom=20mm]{geometry} % Package arguments define page margins
\pagestyle{plain} % Remove default upper header and leave only a page number at the bottom center of the page
\parindent=1.25cm % First line indent 1.25 cm, approximately equal to 5 characters (as required by GOST)
\usepackage{indentfirst} % Add indent to the first paragraph
%\linespread{1.3} % Linespread (the closest to 1.5 in Word) - here we use a command OnehalfSpacing* later
%%% Set language parameters and font %%%
\usepackage[english]{babel} % English is the only language for the document
\babelfont{rm}{Times New Roman} % TMR as the primary font
%%% Set heading style for chapters, sections, and subsections %%%
\setsecnumdepth{subsection} % Numbers are only assigned to the first three levels, i.e., numbered are chapters, sections, and subsections
\renewcommand*{\chapterheadstart}{} % Redefine the command which adds spacing above the heading to prevent it from doing this
\renewcommand*{\printchaptername}{} % Redefine the command which prints the word 'Chapter' to prevent it from doing this
%\renewcommand*{\printchapternum}{} % Same for the chapter number - no, here we need to keep the number
\renewcommand*{\chapnumfont}{\normalfont\bfseries} % Change the chapter number font style: normal size, bold
\renewcommand*{\afterchapternum}{\hspace{1em}} % Change the delimiter between the chapter number and the chapter title
\renewcommand*{\printchaptertitle}{\normalfont\bfseries\centering\MakeUppercase} % Change the chapter title font style: normal size, bold, centered, uppercase
\setbeforesecskip{20pt} % Set spacing above the section heading
\setaftersecskip{20pt} % Same spacing below the section heading
\setsecheadstyle{\raggedright\normalfont\bfseries} % Change the section heading font style: right aligned, normal size, bold
\setbeforesubsecskip{20pt} % Set spacing above the subsection heading
\setaftersubsecskip{20pt} % Same spacing below the subsection heading
\setsubsecheadstyle{\raggedright\normalfont\bfseries} % Change the subsection heading font style: right aligned, normal size, bold
%%% Set toc parameters %%%
\setrmarg{2.55em plus1fil} % Disable hyphenation in toc
%\setlength{\cftbeforechapterskip}{0pt} % This command removes vertical spacing before chapter titles - no, keep the spacing
\renewcommand{\aftertoctitle}{\afterchaptertitle \vspace{-\cftbeforechapterskip}} % Adjust vertical spacing right after the heading 'Table of Contents' to make it the same as for other chapter headings
%\renewcommand*{\chapternumberline}[1]{} % Redefine the command which prints the chapter number to prevent it from doing this - no, keep the number here
\renewcommand*{\cftchapternumwidth}{1.5em} % Change the delimiter between the chapter number and the chapter title
\renewcommand*{\cftchapterfont}{\normalfont\MakeUppercase} % Chapter titles are printed with normal size, uppercase
\renewcommand*{\cftchapterpagefont}{\normalfont} % Page numbers are printed with normal size
\renewcommand*{\cftchapterdotsep}{\cftdotsep} % Create dot separators which go up to the page number for each entry in toc
\renewcommand*{\cftdotsep}{1} % Define the dot frequency
\renewcommand*{\cftchapterleader}{\cftdotfill{\cftchapterdotsep}} % Make the dots of standard shape (by default they are 'bold')
\maxtocdepth{subsection} % Only the first three levels are displayed in toc: chapters, sections, and subsections
%%% Alignment and hyphenation %%%
%% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/241343/what-is-the-meaning-of-fussy-sloppy-emergencystretch-tolerance-hbadness
%% http://www.latex-community.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=70342#p70342
\tolerance 1414
\hbadness 1414
\emergencystretch 1.5em % If something goes wrong, try to adjust this one first
\hfuzz 0.3pt
\vfuzz \hfuzz
%\sloppy % No overfilling
\clubpenalty=10000 % Prevent page break after the first line in a paragraph
\widowpenalty=10000 % Prevent page break before the last line in a paragraph
\brokenpenalty=4991 % Prevent page break directly after hyphenation
%%% Set parameters for figures and tables %%%
\usepackage{graphicx, caption, subcaption} % Load packages for figures and captions
\graphicspath{{images/}} % Define the image folder
\captionsetup[figure]{font=small, width=\textwidth, name=Figure, justification=centering} % Set the figure caption parameters: small font size (12pt), caption width is equal to the width of the main text, complete word "Figure", caption is centered
\captionsetup[subfigure]{font=small} % Subfigure indices a), b), ... are also in small size (12pt) (by default they are even smaller)
\captionsetup[table]{singlelinecheck=false,font=small,width=\textwidth,justification=justified} % Set the table caption parameters: disable hyphenation, small font size (12pt), caption width is equal to the width of the main text, caption is justified
\captiondelim{ --- } % Set em dash as the delimiter between the caption name (i.e., the words 'Figure' and 'Table') and caption text
\setkeys{Gin}{width=\textwidth} % By defalut, the size of all figures will be adjusted to fit into the main text
%\setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{0pt} % Vertical space above the caption - no, keep the default
%\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{0pt} % Vertical space below the caption - no, keep the default
\usepackage[section]{placeins} % All objects of the float type (figures/tables) do not go beyond the section where they are initialized
%%% Set parameters for references and hyperreferences %%%
\usepackage{hyperref} % Load the corresponding package
colorlinks=true, % All refs and hyperrefs appear colored in text
linktoc=all, % Clickable colored refs for all entries in toc
linktocpage=true, % Only the page numbers will be colored in toc, not the whole titles
linkcolor=red, % The color of refs and hyperrefs is red
citecolor=red % The color of citations is red
%%% Set list parameters %%%
\usepackage{enumitem} % Load the package for the fine adjustment of list appearance
\renewcommand*{\labelitemi}{\normalfont{--}} % Use en dash for unnumbered list items
\setlist{noitemsep, leftmargin=*} % Remove vertical spacings between the items of the same level
\setlist[1]{labelindent=\parindent} % Item indent is equal to the paragraph indent
\setlist[2]{leftmargin=\parindent} % Additional indent for the 2nd level
\setlist[3]{leftmargin=\parindent} % And one more for the 3rd level
%%% Counters and object numbering %%%
\counterwithout{figure}{chapter} % Continuous numbering of figures throughout the document
\counterwithout{equation}{chapter} % Continuous numbering of math expressions throughout the document
\counterwithout{table}{chapter} % Continuous numbering of tables throughout the document
%%% Create bibliography using the biblatex package and biblatex-gost style processed by biber %%%
\usepackage{csquotes} % This package manages complex citation blocks (biblatex recommends to load it)
backend=biber, % Processor
bibencoding=utf8, % Encoding of the bib-file
sorting=none, % Preference for sorting the reference list
style=gost-numeric, % Citation style (GOST)
language=english, % English language for the reference list
sortcites=true, % Several cites in square brackets will appear sorted
movenames=false, % Do not move author names, they are always in the beginning of the citation entry
maxnames=5, % Maximum number of authors for an entry
minnames=3, % If there is more that 'max', cut the number of authors up to this
doi=false, % Do now show DOI
isbn=false, % Do not show ISBN, ISSN, ISRN
\DeclareDelimFormat{bibinitdelim}{} % Remove the space between initials (Readdler J.R. instead of Readdler J. R.)
\addbibresource{biba.bib} % Define the bibliography file
%%% Additional packages for enhanced functionality %%%
\usepackage{longtable,ltcaption} % Long tables
\usepackage{multirow,makecell} % Enriched formatting for tables
\usepackage{booktabs} % Yet another package for nice tables
\usepackage{soulutf8} % Support hyphenatable letterspacing, underline, and strikethrough
\usepackage{hyphenat} % Enhanced hyphenation functionality
\usepackage{textcomp} % Support for 'complex' printed signs like some currency symbols, copyright, etc.
\usepackage[version=4]{mhchem} % Beautiful chemical equations
\usepackage{amsmath} % Enriched appearance of mathematical expressions
%%% Subsequently add all document parts %%%
\input{1_title} % Title page
\newpage % Page break
\setcounter{page}{2} % Start counting pages from number 2
\OnehalfSpacing* % Set the line spacing to one-half (line spacing is single in the title page)
\tableofcontents* % Automatically build toc
\input{2_intro} % Introduction
\input{3_chap1} % First chapter
\input{4_chap2} % Second chapter
\input{5_chap3} % Third chapter
\printbibliography % Automatically assemble bibliography list