DCCN'2024 Submission Template (ENG)
Dmitry Kozyrev
Last Updated
LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c
This template file is intended to serve as a ``starter file'' for the DCCN-2024 conference regular submissions in English.
\fancyhead[RO]{\small DCCN 2024\\ {23-27 September 2024}}
\fancyhead[LO]{\small %Author 1, Author 2, et al.\\
Short version of the article title}
\c@page=1 % Number will be set by publisher.
% Full title of the paper in English
\title{Thesis Template for the Preparation of Contributions to Proceedings of the ``Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: Control, Computation, Communications'' Conference}
%Author's (co-authors') name(s)
% !!!!!
% In order to provide the possibility of double-blind peer review, when first submitting your paper please leave empty all fields that may identify the authors (names, emails, affiliations, grant support).
% !!!!!
\author[1]{\small }%A.B. First}
\author[2]{\small }%C.D. Second}
\author[1,3]{\small }%E.F. Third}
\author[1]{\small }%G.H. Fourth}
%\affil[1]{\footnotesize Organization1, Address, City, Country}
%\affil[2]{\footnotesize Organization2, Address, City, Country}
%\affil[3]{\footnotesize Organization3, Address, City, Country}
\email{ }%e-mail1@mail.box, e-mail2@mail.box, e-mail3@mail.box}
%Specify the UDC index corresponding to the topic of your work. You can find the UDC codes here: https://udcsummary.info/
\udc{???123.456} % Authors should insert the correct UDC here.
\vskip -1.5em
%\footnotetext{The publication has been prepared with the support of ... according to the research project No.{12345.67890}.}
Please type a short abstract here (70 -- 150 words) which summarizes the contents of the paper.
Do not use special characters, symbols, or math in your title
or abstract. The abstract should be written using the \emph{abstract} environment.
\keywords{We would like to encourage you to list your keywords within
the abstract section}
This template file is intended to serve as a ``starter file'' for
the DCCN 2024 papers produced under \LaTeX.
The authors should submit up to 6 pages of the regular paper. Use GOST ``70$\times$100 1/16''
(170 x 240 mm paper size) format of the paper. Margins: top 15 mm, bottom
20 mm, right 15 mm, left 15 mm. Text height is 205 mm, width is
140 mm. Please, do not use page
numbering in your paper. Actually, the authors don't have to be bothered about margins or suchlike,
because all the page geometry parameters are already set up in the DCCN2024\_en.sty style file.
\subsection{Subsection heading here}
Subsection text here. Maximum level of depth allowed for defining sections is 2.
\section{General guidelines on the submitted paper}
The full text regular papers (4--6 pages) in PDF using current \LaTeX{} template have to be submitted to the DCCN organizing committee.
The name of the PDF-file should be combined of the surnames of the co-authors:
Type the text of the paper in 11 points (11pt), regular. Each
paragraph is to be indented 5~mm, and their intervals must be 0
points before and after.
\section{Mathematical formulae and references}
To make references to mathematical expressions, it is
recommended to use \LaTeX{} mechanism. For example, the formula
given below
P(n,t)=\frac{\partial^n B(t)}{\partial t^n}
can be referred as \eqref{eq:1}.
\section{Theorems and proofs}
Theorems are defined like follows
Text of the theorem.
Proof of Theorem \ref{thm1}. If using such reference, you need
to recompile your paper with \LaTeX{} twice.
Corollary to theorem~\ref{thm1}
Lemmas are defined like follows
Text of the lemma.
Examples are defined like follows
Text of the example.
All \LaTeX{} theorem-like environments can be defined as unnumbered, by using the \verb"*" symbol. For instance, \verb"\begin{remark*}...\end{remark*}".
\section{Figures and tables}
Figures should be provided in PDF or EPS format. Raster pictures have
to be made with maximal resolution (minimal 600 dots per inch).
\caption {Figure example}
Below is an example of a table (see table~\ref{tab:sampletable}) with the title, formatted with the use of \verb"\caption".
Parameter & T & E & $\Delta$, \% & Parameter & T & E & $\Delta$, \% \\ \hline \hline
$\rho_{1}^{(1)}$ & 0,187 & 0,194 & 3,7 & $\rho_{1}^{(2)}$ & 0,127 & 0,120 & 5,6 \\ \hline
$\rho_{2}^{(1)}$ & 0,073 & 0,072 & 1,4 & $\rho_{2}^{(2)}$ & 0,052 & 0,053 & 1,9 \\ \hline
$\rho_{3}^{(1)}$ & 0,148 & 0,147 & 0,7 & $\rho_{3}^{(2)}$ & 0,103 & 0,103 & 0,0 \\ \hline
$\rho_{4}^{(1)}$ & 0,036 & 0,036 & 0,0 & $\rho_{4}^{(2)}$ & 0,026 & 0,027 & 3,7 \\ \hline \hline
$C^{(1)}$ & 0,479 & 0,476 & 0,6 & $C^{(2)}$ & 0,656 & 0,640 & 2,5 \\ \hline \hline
$C_{1}^{*}$ & 0,341 & 0,339 & 0,6 & $C_{3}^{*}$ & 0,323 & 0,329 & 1,8 \\ \hline
$C_{2}^{*}$ & 0,296 & 0,298 & 0,7 & $C_{4}^{*}$ & 0,286 & 0,286 & 0,0 \\ \hline
\end{tabular}\caption{Table example}\label{tab:sampletable}
The figures and tables must be numbered, have a self-contained
caption and referred in the main text. Figure and table
captions are placed below the object and centered. Also, avoid
placing figures and tables before their first mention in the
text. Use the abbreviation "Fig." even at the beginning of a
The authors are recommended not to use characters smaller than
9 points (9pt) in figures. Do not use abbreviations in the titles
unless they are unavoidable.
\section{List of references}
The full list of references should be placed at the end of the paper in a
separate section. Citations inserted in the text should use square
brackets and the ordinal number of the item. To cite a paper one should use the \verb"\cite" command. List
the references according to the order of their appearance in
the text.
The bibliography can be placed either using \verb"bibtex", or the \verb"thebibliography" environment.
The Conlusions section should contain a brief summary of the content and purpose of the paper, reflecting its novelty and practical significance, proposals for practical implementation of research results and providing the final word on the value of your paper.
%You may use bibtex.
\bibitem{bib1} %% citation code
Bianchi G. Performance Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 Distributed
Coordination Function ~// IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
Communications. 2000. V. 18. P.~535--547.
\bibitem{bib2} Vishnevsky V.~M., Lyakhov A.~I. IEEE 802.11
Wireless LAN: Saturation Throughput Analysis with Seizing
Effect Consideration
// Cluster Computing. 2002. V. 5. P. 133--144.
\bibitem{bib3} Neuts M.~F. Structured Stochastic
Matrices of M/G/1 Type and Their Applications. Marcel
Dekker, New York, 1989.
\bibitem{bib4} Schriber T.~J. Simulation using GPSS. John
Wiley \& Sons, 1974.
\bibitem{bib5} Universal Decimal Classification, \url{https://udcsummary.info/}