%% Copernicus Publications Manuscript Preparation Template for LaTeX Submissions
%% ---------------------------------
%% This template should be used for copernicus.cls
%% The class file and some style files are bundled in the Copernicus Latex Package, which can be downloaded from the different journal webpages.
%% For further assistance please contact Copernicus Publications at: production@copernicus.org
%% https://publications.copernicus.org/for_authors/manuscript_preparation.html
%% Please use the following documentclass and journal abbreviations for preprints and final revised papers.
%% 2-column papers and preprints
\documentclass[journal abbreviation, manuscript]{copernicus}
%% Journal abbreviations (please use the same for preprints and final revised papers)
% Advances in Geosciences (adgeo)
% Advances in Radio Science (ars)
% Advances in Science and Research (asr)
% Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography (ascmo)
% Annales Geophysicae (angeo)
% Archives Animal Breeding (aab)
% Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (acp)
% Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (amt)
% Biogeosciences (bg)
% Climate of the Past (cp)
% DEUQUA Special Publications (deuquasp)
% Drinking Water Engineering and Science (dwes)
% Earth Surface Dynamics (esurf)
% Earth System Dynamics (esd)
% Earth System Science Data (essd)
% E&G Quaternary Science Journal (egqsj)
% EGUsphere (egusphere) | This is only for EGUsphere preprints submitted without relation to an EGU journal.
% European Journal of Mineralogy (ejm)
% Fossil Record (fr)
% Geochronology (gchron)
% Geographica Helvetica (gh)
% Geoscience Communication (gc)
% Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems (gi)
% Geoscientific Model Development (gmd)
% History of Geo- and Space Sciences (hgss)
% Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (hess)
% Journal of Bone and Joint Infection (jbji)
% Journal of Micropalaeontology (jm)
% Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems (jsss)
% Magnetic Resonance (mr)
% Mechanical Sciences (ms)
% Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (nhess)
% Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (npg)
% Ocean Science (os)
% Polarforschung - Journal of the German Society for Polar Research (polf)
% Primate Biology (pb)
% Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (piahs)
% Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal (sand)
% Scientific Drilling (sd)
% SOIL (soil)
% Solid Earth (se)
% The Cryosphere (tc)
% Weather and Climate Dynamics (wcd)
% Web Ecology (we)
% Wind Energy Science (wes)
%% \usepackage commands included in the copernicus.cls:
%\usepackage[german, english]{babel}
% \Author[affil]{given_name}{surname}
%% The [] brackets identify the author with the corresponding affiliation. 1, 2, 3, etc. should be inserted.
%% If an author is deceased, please mark the respective author name(s) with a dagger, e.g. "\Author[2,$\dag$]{Anton}{Smith}", and add a further "\affil[$\dag$]{deceased, 1 July 2019}".
%% If authors contributed equally, please mark the respective author names with an asterisk, e.g. "\Author[2,*]{Anton}{Smith}" and "\Author[3,*]{Bradley}{Miller}" and add a further affiliation: "\affil[*]{These authors contributed equally to this work.}".
\correspondence{NAME (EMAIL)}
\pubdiscuss{} %% only important for two-stage journals
%% These dates will be inserted by Copernicus Publications during the typesetting process.
\copyrightstatement{TEXT} %% This section is optional and can be used for copyright transfers.
\introduction %% \introduction[modified heading if necessary]
\conclusions %% \conclusions[modified heading if necessary]
%% The following commands are for the statements about the availability of data sets and/or software code corresponding to the manuscript.
%% It is strongly recommended to make use of these sections in case data sets and/or software code have been part of your research the article is based on.
\codeavailability{TEXT} %% use this section when having only software code available
\dataavailability{TEXT} %% use this section when having only data sets available
\codedataavailability{TEXT} %% use this section when having data sets and software code available
\sampleavailability{TEXT} %% use this section when having geoscientific samples available
\videosupplement{TEXT} %% use this section when having video supplements available
\section{} %% Appendix A
\subsection{} %% Appendix A1, A2, etc.
\noappendix %% use this to mark the end of the appendix section. Otherwise the figures might be numbered incorrectly (e.g. 10 instead of 1).
%% Regarding figures and tables in appendices, the following two options are possible depending on your general handling of figures and tables in the manuscript environment:
%% Option 1: If you sorted all figures and tables into the sections of the text, please also sort the appendix figures and appendix tables into the respective appendix sections.
%% They will be correctly named automatically.
%% Option 2: If you put all figures after the reference list, please insert appendix tables and figures after the normal tables and figures.
%% To rename them correctly to A1, A2, etc., please add the following commands in front of them:
\appendixfigures %% needs to be added in front of appendix figures
\appendixtables %% needs to be added in front of appendix tables
%% Please add \clearpage between each table and/or figure. Further guidelines on figures and tables can be found below.
\authorcontribution{TEXT} %% this section is mandatory
\competinginterests{TEXT} %% this section is mandatory even if you declare that no competing interests are present
\disclaimer{TEXT} %% optional section
%% The reference list is compiled as follows:
%% Since the Copernicus LaTeX package includes the BibTeX style file copernicus.bst,
%% authors experienced with BibTeX only have to include the following two lines:
%% \bibliographystyle{copernicus}
%% \bibliography{example.bib}
%% URLs and DOIs can be entered in your BibTeX file as:
%% URL = {http://www.xyz.org/~jones/idx_g.htm}
%% DOI = {10.5194/xyz}
%% command & example result
%% \citet{jones90}| & Jones et al. (1990)
%% \citep{jones90}| & (Jones et al., 1990)
%% \citep{jones90,jones93}| & (Jones et al., 1990, 1993)
%% \citep[p.~32]{jones90}| & (Jones et al., 1990, p.~32)
%% \citep[e.g.,][]{jones90}| & (e.g., Jones et al., 1990)
%% \citep[e.g.,][p.~32]{jones90}| & (e.g., Jones et al., 1990, p.~32)
%% \citeauthor{jones90}| & Jones et al.
%% \citeyear{jones90}| & 1990
%% When figures and tables are placed at the end of the MS (article in one-column style), please add \clearpage
%% between bibliography and first table and/or figure as well as between each table and/or figure.
% The figure files should be labelled correctly with Arabic numerals (e.g. fig01.jpg, fig02.png).
%\includegraphics[width=8.3cm]{FILE NAME}
%\includegraphics[width=12cm]{FILE NAME}
%%% The different columns must be seperated with a & command and should
%%% end with \\ to identify the column brake.
%\begin{tabular}{column = lcr}
%\belowtable{} % Table Footnotes
%\begin{tabular}{column = lcr}
%\belowtable{} % Table Footnotes
%\begin{tabular}{column = lcr}
%\belowtable{} % Table Footnotes
%%% All papers typeset by Copernicus Publications follow the math typesetting regulations
%%% given by the IUPAC Green Book (IUPAC: Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry,
%%% 2nd Edn., Blackwell Science, available at: http://old.iupac.org/publications/books/gbook/green_book_2ed.pdf, 1993).
%%% Physical quantities/variables are typeset in italic font (t for time, T for Temperature)
%%% Indices which are not defined are typeset in italic font (x, y, z, a, b, c)
%%% Items/objects which are defined are typeset in roman font (Car A, Car B)
%%% Descriptions/specifications which are defined by itself are typeset in roman font (abs, rel, ref, tot, net, ice)
%%% Abbreviations from 2 letters are typeset in roman font (RH, LAI)
%%% Vectors are identified in bold italic font using \vec{x}
%%% Matrices are identified in bold roman font
%%% Multiplication signs are typeset using the LaTeX commands \times (for vector products, grids, and exponential notations) or \cdot
%%% The character * should not be applied as mutliplication sign
%%% Single-row equation
%%% Multiline equation
%& 3 + 5 = 8\\
%& 3 + 5 = 8\\
%& 3 + 5 = 8
%x & y & z\\
%x & y & z\\
%x & y & z\\
%%% For formulas embedded in the text, please use \chem{}
%%% The reaction environment creates labels including the letter R, i.e. (R1), (R2), etc.
%%% \rightarrow should be used for normal (one-way) chemical reactions
%%% \rightleftharpoons should be used for equilibria
%%% \leftrightarrow should be used for resonance structures
%%% Please use \unit{} and apply the exponential notation