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\usepackage{CIMATpreamble} % definition of the CIMAT cover page
\usepackage{mypreamble} % custom preamble
\graphicspath{{img/}} % set path for images folder
% Coverpage template requested by CIMAT for the master thesis in LaTeX version
% README: Instructions & Comments
% > The package 'CIMATpreamble' is required for the CIMAT cover page and
% it depends on the declared libraries above
% > To use the COVER template only fill the Cover/Titlepage block
% with your information and make sure the '\maketitle' command is enabled
% > The rest of the LaTeX code was built according to the guideline provided by
% the ShareLatex/Overleaf team:
% "How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 1): Basic Structure"; you will find
% the custom settings (link colors, caption specs., etc.) in the
% 'mypreamble.sty' file, so you are free to use or modify that code
% > Much of the code for the cover page is based on the Overleaf template
% created by Salvador Pedraza Espitia:
% https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/unam-dissert/mypjkyrmhgns
% > The essential idea of this code is to provide a minimal and functional
% LaTeX document, allowing us to focus on the content of our thesis work;
% I hope it be useful for you :) !
% > Credits: Kenny Yahir Mendez Ramirez, Cristal E. Mendez Ramirez
% > For comments and suggestions please send a e-mail to kenny.yahir.mz@gmail.com
% Cover/Title page: fill out with your personal information
\author{Kenny M. R.}
\documentType{T E S I S} % change to "T E S I N A" if it is the case
\title{El efecto de los cultivos ilícitos y la migración en \ldots}
\degree{Maestro en Cómputo Estadístico}
\supervisor{Dr. V. M.}
\supervisorSecond{Dra. M. F.} % optional command
\cityandyear{Monterrey, Nuevo León, Noviembre de 2019}
% Document body
% Coverpage
\maketitle % this enable the CIMAT title page!
\thispagestyle{empty} % blank page after title page
% Dedication
\emph{Dedicatoria \ldots}
% Abstract
El estudio del fenómeno de la violencia en México que acontece durante la conocida ``Guerra contra las drogas'' ha sido abordado desde diferentes perspectivas y mediante enfoques tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos. En referencia al último enfoque, aunque ya existen trabajos que analizan este problema a través de modelos estadísticos, aún existen aspectos por cubrir.
A partir de un análisis exploratorio de los datos seleccionamos el conjunto de covariables más relevantes y delimitamos una región para la modelación. Ya que los procesos de este tipo inducen correlación espacial, proponemos una serie de parametrizaciones de un modelo espacio-temporal jerárquico bayesiano con efectos de espacio y tiempo separables.
% Keywords
\paragraph{Palabras clave:} modelación espacio-temporal, modelo jerárquico bayesiano, ciencia de datos, cómputo estadístico, inla, datos de áreas
% Acknowledgements
A mis padres \ldots
% Table of contents and list of figures
% Chapters
\spacing{1.5} % interline (double) space
% put the content of your chapters in the .tex files located in the 'chapters/' folder;
% the use of '\include' instead of '\input' command could enhance the compilation process, see the reference below
% Bibliography
\bibliographystyle{apacite} % APA style according to apacite package: see mypreamble.sty line 21
% Appendix
% LaTeX references (technical issues, workarounds)
% https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Management_in_a_large_project ('including files' section)
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/64839/how-to-change-listing-caption
% https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2709898/change-list-of-listings-text
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/664/why-should-i-use-usepackaget1fontenc