Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale
Thomas Pellard
Last Updated
Creative Commons CC BY 4.0
Style sheet for the journal Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale
Style sheet for the journal Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale
\usepackage{blindtext}% for dummy text
\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text, Ligatures=Common, Numbers=OldStyle, SmallCapsFeatures={Letters=UppercaseSmallCaps, WordSpace=2, LetterSpace=8}]{Linux Libertine O}% The Brill font should be used instead, but it is not available on Overleaf
%%%%% Metadata
\title{Title of the article}
\subtitle{Subtitle of the article}
%%% The short title an author are printed in the page headers
\shorttitle{Short title}
\shortauthor{Short Author}
%%% Doi is optional
%%% Authors should be input with the following commands
\claoauthor{First Author}{Institution}{address@mail.mail}
\claoauthor{Second Author}{Institution}{address@mail.mail}
The \texttt{clao.sty} package approximates the style sheet of the journal \textit{Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale} (\url{}). Submissions to the journal are not required to use this package. The extension is however useful for getting an idea of the approximate number of pages of a manuscript and for anticipating problems with large tables and figures.
The extension can only be used with the \texttt{scrartcl} class. The following packages are automatically loaded: \texttt{calc, geometry, scrlayer-scrpage, hyperref, enumitem, datatool, gb4e, xpatch, csquotes, polyglossia, biblatex}.
The journal uses the Brill font, which can be freely downloaded from \url{}, but since it is not available directly on Overleaf, this document uses the Linux Libertine O font instead.\end{abstract}
keyword -- keyword -- keyword -- keyword -- keyword
mot clé -- mot clé -- mot clé -- mot clé -- mot clé
\ex \gll Ceci est un test\\
This is a test\\
\glt \enquote*{This is a test}
\ex \gll Ceci est un autre test\\
This is a other test\\
\glt \enquote*{This is another test}
\ex \gll Ceci est un test\\
This is a test\\
\glt \enquote*{This is a test}
\ex \gll Ceci est un autre test\\
This is a other test\\
\glt \enquote*{This is another test}