blcu-thesis(no after-sale service)
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no completed template for blcu master thesis.
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Discover why 18 million people worldwide trust Overleaf with their work.
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\title{blcu-thesis(no after-sale service)}
\date{February 2022}
% 进行个人信息设置
\author{某~某~某} % 作者姓名
\date{2\,0\,2\,1~年~3~月} % 完成日期
\major{专~业~名~称} % 专业名称
\stunum{123000678} % 学号
\instructor{某~某~某~~~教~授} % 导师姓名
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% \begin{cnabstract}{关键词 1;关键词 2;关键词 3}
% 摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容摘要内容.
% \end{cnabstract}
% \begin{enabstract}{Keyword 1;~ Keyword 2;~ Keyword 3}
% This is abstract.
% \end{enabstract}
W^*&=\mathrm{argmax}_WP(W|O) \\
&=\mathrm{argmax}_W\frac{P(O|W)P(W)}{P(O)} \\
\hangindent 1.4em
[1] {{\bf Author 1} and Author 2}, The name of the published article 1, {\bf Name of Journal}, 2020, 12(34):1001-1020.
\hangindent 1.4em
[2] {{\bf Author 1}, Author 2 and Author 3}, The name of the published article 2, submitted to
Journal of XXX.
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\chapter{附录 A ~ 这是第一个附录}
这里是附录环境, 手动设置了 chapter 和 section 的样式, 并且加入到了目录.
\chapter{附录 B ~ 这是第二个附录}
这里是附录环境, 手动设置了 chapter 和 section 的样式, 并且加入到了目录.