% Paper size
\geometry{papersize={32in, 40in}}
% For filler text:
\title{\Huge{A Purdue \LaTeX\ Poster Template}}
\author{\Large{A Purdue Student\texorpdfstring{\textsuperscript{1}}{}, A Duepur Student\texorpdfstring{\textsuperscript{2}}{}}}
{\large{Purdue University\texorpdfstring{\textsuperscript{1}}{}, Duepur University\texorpdfstring{\textsuperscript{2}},\\
Appearing at Overleaf Template}}
% You can put multiple logos here.
\begin{block}{\large Long Text}
Nobody actually reads a very long paragraph in a poster.
\begin{block}{Itemize List}
Some introduction of the list.
\item Bulleted copy. Keep it short with bite-size chunks of information.
\item Bulleted copy. Keep it short with bite-size chunks of information.
\item Bulleted copy. Keep it short with bite-size chunks of information.
\item Bulleted copy. Keep it short with bite-size chunks of information.
\begin{block}{Enumerate List}
Some introduction of the list.
\item Bulleted copy. Keep it short with bite-size chunks of information.
\item Bulleted copy. Keep it short with bite-size chunks of information.
\item Bulleted copy. Keep it short with bite-size chunks of information.
\item Bulleted copy. Keep it short with bite-size chunks of information.
An example of some very long equations with $\Psi (x,t)$:
i\hbar {\frac {\partial }{\partial t}}\Psi (x,t)&=\left[-{\frac {\hbar ^{2}}{2m}}{\frac {\partial ^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}}+V(x,t)\right]\Psi (x,t) \\
i\hbar {\frac {d}{dt}}\vert \Psi (t)\rangle &={\hat {H}}\vert \Psi (t)\rangle \\
|\Psi (t)\rangle &=\sum _{n}A_{n}e^{{-iE_{n}t}/\hbar }|\psi _{E_{n}}\rangle
Indeed an example of some very long equations with $\Psi (x,t)$.
\LaTeX\ can draw figures with the tikz package:
square/.style={rectangle, draw=black!, very thick, minimum size=5mm},
\node[square](client){\footnotesize Client};
\node[square](r1)[right=2em of client]{\footnotesize Relay 1};
\node[square](r2)[right=2em of r1]{\footnotesize Relay 2};
\node[square](r3)[right=2em of r2]{\footnotesize Relay 3};
\node[square](server)[right=2em of r3]{\footnotesize Server};
\caption{An Example of a Three-Hop Connection}
\begin{exampleblock}{Block with Another Color}
A gray block with two different colors.
\begin{alertblock}{Alert Block}
A red block for alert, in default theme from \LaTeX.
\begin{block}{Thank you for using!}
For issues on the template, please visit the Github page:
\begin{block}{\large QR Code}
Put a QR code here to give the reader something to scan.
You can find the SVG QR generator under \texttt{qr.py}.