A LaTeX template for writing beautiful point-by-point responses
Last Updated
Other (as stated in the work)
A Package and template for writing beautiful and nicely structured point-by-point responses.
% Load packages
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6.5in, 9in}]{geometry}
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % No indents
\Large\bfseries A \LaTeX{} template for writing beautiful point-by-point responses
We would like to thank the reviewers \rev{1}, \rev{2}, \rev{3}, and the \revAE for their thorough review of our manuscript. Please find our point-by-point response below.
% Question by AE
This is a comment by the associate editor.
This is our response to this comment.
% There may be some general comments by the reviewers
This is a general comment about your paper
This is our response to this general comment.
% First question by reviewer 1
I have some question.
Here is our response. Please also see our response to \cref{AE:Q1}.
% First question by reviewer 2
I also have some question.
Here is our response. We also updated this in the manuscript (\addlines)
We greatly improved our manuscript by incorporating everything that the reviewer suggested! We even reference \cite{knuth1986} as they requested!
Thank you for the great comments!
% Second question by reviewer 2
I have another question
Here is our response. Please also see our responses to \cref{AE:Q1,R1:Q1,R2:Q1}.
% References
Donald E. Knuth (1986) \emph{The \TeX{} Book}, Addison-Wesley Professional.